chapter 2

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the Loonatics and Isa all ran to see what was going on and saw it was a bunch of plant zombies along with giants.
Duck: uh we're going to need hedge clippers.
Isa: relax Duck i can control plants remember. Isa walked forward and held out her hands as she focused her powers then got control of a few plant zombies, then they all kneeled down in front of her which confused everyone.
Ace: uh what's going on?
Isa: wish i knew Ace but i have no idea.
Zombie: we have found you our queen.
Isa: (eyes widen) whoa whoa whoa hold it right there buster i'm no queen i'm just me. then someone came up and looked at Isa with a smile.
Charlotte: Isa it's so good to see you again i'm sorry but my staff got turned into plants and i was trying to turn them back, but they got out of the lab i'm sorry for this Loonatics.
Lexi: it's alright but what's with the giant?
Charlotte: oh just a plant that grew too big he's actually a big sweetheart i was working on something for Isa a new pet. the zombies brought over a crate and Isa was a bit nervous.
Isa: uh mind if i open this at HQ don't want to scare people.
Charlotte: oh sure not a problem i hope you enjoy your new pet she'll love you and don't worry it's harmless.

Ace: want some help with this?
Isa: uh yeah sure thanks Ace. Slam walked over and picked up the crate and they all walked back to HQ.

*at HQ*

Isa: could someone get me a crowbar so i can open this thing please?
Tech: do you one better Slam if you please. Slam walked over and pulled off the lid then threw it somewhere else.
Isa: oh uh thanks Slam now let's see what's inside (looks in crate) hopefully nothing too big. Isa saw something move and heard the flutter of little wings then reached her hands inside then pulled out the animal to see how cute it was.
Isa: oh my god your are adorable!

Lexi: oh it's so cute!Tech: but what is it?Isa: my friend Charlotte's brother has a place where he keeps these little guy all safe and happy but it's a different world, these little ones are called mystical animals and they are so cute

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Lexi: oh it's so cute!
Tech: but what is it?
Isa: my friend Charlotte's brother has a place where he keeps these little guy all safe and happy but it's a different world, these little ones are called mystical animals and they are so cute. hello my little baby your name is officially Mythia girl. Mythia nuzzled Isa and she laughed from being nuzzled by her pet.
Ace: so what's Mythia called?
Isa: a flutter feline cause she has butterfly wings there's all sorts of these guys felines, lizards, spiders, dragons and a ton of them. Rick raises these guys once their conjured up he's kind of like a sorcerrer in a way, but it was sweet of him to send me Mythia.
Tech: i'm sure she'll keep you busy. Mythia sniffed at Tech's hand and nuzzled it then was flying in front of him with a smile on her face.
Isa: i think she likes you Tech. Mythia landed in Tech's arms as she looked up at him with a fond smile.
Tech: well then welcome to Acmetropolis Mythia your with a great girl she'll take great care of you. Isa smiled when she heard that then went to get some food for Mythia and whistled for her.
Isa: alright here you go girl now i gotta go get you somethings but i'm not leaving you alone so come on, let's go be back guys. Isa left with Mythia then Ace walked over to Tech as they went to talk.
Ace: so got any new toys Tech?
Tech: working on a few and i made something for Isa i think she'll like it.

*tiny time skip*

Isa had walked in then went to her room as she put everything up for Mythia then set up a cute little scratching post for her, then set up the bed for Mythia it was a design that was almost like Isa's but more ment for a pet. a knock was heard on the door and told who ever it was to come in then the door opened  and Tech walked in with his hands behind his back.
Tech: what are you doing?
Isa: setting things up for Mythia now where did the screwdriver go i need to finish putting the bed for Mythia. Isa searched for the screwdriver and Mythia held it out to her as she smiled at Mythia then petted her on the head, as she finished putting the bed together then set it up next to her bed.
Tech: looks good.
Isa: thanks but it's missing something. what do you think Mythia? Mythia nodded and Isa waved her hands as rose vines appeared over the bed then wrapped around the posts of the bed, Mythia sat down on her new bed and wagged her little tail.
Tech: Isa i made you something (holds out weapon) this is for you a speficically designed whip that corrosponds with your powers.
Isa: (takes whip) wow Tech you made this for me thank you.
Tech: follow me and we can see how it works.

*in the training room*

Tech: alright let me show you how it works just focus and it will come out with thorns. Isa nodded and focused as the whip came out then saw the thorns as well then held it in her hand.
Isa: nice and it's perfect thank you Tech now let take this baby for a spin. a few ninjas came out of no where and Isa got ready to test out her new whip she swung it towards a ninja which disarmed him and, then swung it again which made the ninja dissappear then Isa swung it twords a pipe as she swung from her whip and kicked a few ninjas down. then landed on the ground and spun around to finish the training Isa looked at her success and looked at Tech as he had a shocked look on his face.
Isa: whew that was fun i love this whip thank Tech. (looks at Tech) um you okay?
Tech: (shakes head) yes i'm fine but wow where did you learn to fight like that?
Isa: i grew up with Ace he was the only thing i had close to a brother and well when my parents left me at the orphanage, Ace and i grew up together as siblings he was my big brother still is. he maybe a rabbit and me a coyote but that never stopped us from being brother and sister but at least i got to make some new friends, like you Tech we understand each other since well i understand what your saying.
Tech: i noticed and well i think your pretty great yourself Isa. Isa blushed a bit and moved her hair out of her face then wrapped up the whip as she put it on her belt, then went to the living room.

*in the living room*

Mythia was next to Lexi while she was getting petted on her head then pounced her little mouse, which landed in front of Ace as she tried to get it again but the toy almost hit Ace until he caught it.
Ace: (holds out mouse) here you go Mythia. Mythia took her mouse and to play with it then Isa and Tech walked into the living room to see Mythia playing around which Isa smiled at then picked up her pet, Isa picked up Mythia and nuzzled noses with her then walked over to a bean bag chair and sat down on it.
Rev: hey guys i invited some guests and i hope you don't mind Ace.
Ace: i'm sure it's fine Rev. the door bell went off and Rev ran to the door while Isa stood up as she was holding Mythia.
Rev: Mom! Pop! they spun around Rev in a tornado which confused everyone.
Ralph: this must be the super crime fighting team i heard about. Mythia jumped out of Isa's arms then went after her toy.
Isa: Mythia! get back here Mythia! Isa tried to catch Mythia but tripped and Tech walked over to help her up.
Tech: you alright?
Isa: yes i'm fine but Mythia you get back here right now or else i'm taking away your toys! Mythia ran over to Rip and he looked at her then picked her up.
Rip: whoa what're you supposed to be?
Isa: a flutter feline and she's my pet.
Heiriett: oh she's adorable.
Isa: thank you i'm Isabella but please call me Isa.

Ralph: another coyote. Isa growled and left the room not wanting to deal with Rev's parents.
Rev: Dad i would appreciate if you didn't make Isa mad she's a good friend and is basically a vegetarian she does eat meat but she does not eat road runners. she wouldn't even hurt me i got hurt and she took care of my wound so please give her and Tech a chance.
Ralph: alright son for you but i think your friends pet is upset what's her name?
Ace: Mythia Isa got her today and well you can say they bonded imidiatley i never seen my sister so happy.
Heiriett: you and Isa are siblings?
Ace: yeah we grew up together we became siblings when we met and well i helped protect her even though she's a tough girl. but Mythia go get Tech i'm sure he can talk to her i do not want to pick thorns out of my arm, the first time was an accident she didn't mean to fire thorns at my arm.
Rev: ouch.

*in Isa's room*

up near the ceiling Isa was laying down on her hammock while trying to calm down then heard the door open as she saw Tech come inside with Mythia in his arms.
Tech: Isa you in here?
Isa: i'm up here.

Plants And HerosOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora