chapter 12

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Ace: so what did they say?
Isa: Mom and Dad are so happy for me since i'm getting married oh lord, my eyes still feel a bit misty ah. (looks at Tech) i still find it hard to believe your my fiance. Tech held Isa close and they both kissed each other they even told Zadavia about the engagment since she was waiting to hear the good news, the two coyotes walked over to the couch as they sat down together.
Lexi: well i hope you two are ready to plan your wedding?
Isa: oh crap i forgot about that but look Lex we're not doing anything big but it will be different for us.
Tech: that i can guarente i want to see my bride happy. Isa kissed Tech on his cheek then went to send a couple of invitations to Rick and Charlie then went to get ready for bed.
Ace: so who's going to be your best man?
Tech: i was hoping that would be you Ace.
Ace: not a problem but we better get some sleep.

*next day*

Isa was with Lexi and Charlie going over an area for the wedding.
Charlie: this place is perfect for the wedding it has a waterfall which makes it even more romantic.
Lexi: it actually looks great.
Isa: we should get Tech's opinion about this i mean it's his wedding too.
Tech: was on my way here Isa and i think this place is perfect. Isa and Tech both kissed each other then Isa wanted to add her own touch a few vines then made wrap around each other, as flowers appeared on them.
Isa: what do you think Tech green and purple or just gold and green?
Tech: why not go with the first oppition.
Isa: thank you honey. but do you think it could use a little touch of golden flowers?
Tech: it could but go for it. Tech kissed Isa on the cheek then she added the gold flower along the purple and green flowers then walked over to Tech as he put his hand on Isa's waist, as they looked at the arch.
Lexi: it could use some lights but we can do that with another one behind you two.
Tech: i actually like that idea. they all walked over to where the reception will be and Isa added her own personal touch to the poles that were going to hold up the rest of the decorations.

Charlie: wow this looks great.
Tech: the flowers look great Isa.
Isa: thanks Tech and if i know you you'll add something to make the wedding more special.
Tech: (holds Isa close) only for you. they all left and went back to Acmetropolis to take care of other things the guys all went to take care of their suits while the girls were busy with finding their dresses.

*with the guys*

Duck: not bad.
Rev: you look good Duck. Slam agreed and looked at himself then Tech came out while looking at himself in the mirror.
Ace: looking sharp.
Tech: thanks Ace (fixes up suit) i hope i'm ready for this.
Ace: you are and no one else could make Isa smile more than you, so let's just hope nothing ruins this day for you guys. and i'm happy to have you as my soon to be brother in law.
Ralph: how are you doing boys?
Rev: good pop we all found our suits.
Ralph: good also i got to know your friends Father Liam's a great guy even for a coyote, but we've become good friends and buisness partners.
Ace: i didn't know Liam had a buisness?
Liam: i don't tell you boys everything.

*with the girls*

Lexi: nice choice of color for the brides maids dresses.
Isa: glad you like it Lexi but to be honest i don't how the dress will look on me.
Marie: honey come out so we can see it. Isa came out and the girls all saw how Isa looked in her wedding dress the design had a bit of a long train behind it and a rose design on the top, the bottom of the dress had a vine design going down it.
Lexi: wow Isa look at you. Lexi guided Isa to a mirror and she saw how she looked in the mirror.
Isa: wow i look so different.
Lexi: not even close i know i see a beautiful girl right next to me so i think your ready for the wedding. all you need to do is focus on getting a few things left ready for the big day, and you'll have plenty of time to spare.
Marie: she's right honey but i asked Ace what yours and Tech's favorite cake was so i will be busy baking.
Isa: Mom don't wear yourself ragged i hired a caterer for the wedding he's a great chef considering how much Slam eats. now all Tech and i can do is relax  we have a chosen a great place for our honeymoon so we can finally relax.
Charlie: hopefully i mean you two chose to come to my island so i will give you both privacy.

*at HQ*

Isa was walking to the lab and kissed Tech on his cheek which made him jump a bit and saw it was only Isa.
Tech: and you say i'm sneaky.
Isa: well you are but i think we got everything ready and now all we have to do is wait for the big day to come, i hope your not too stressed out Tech.
Tech: i'm not but at least your here. Isa kissed Tech then felt his arms around her waist as Tech pulled Isa into his lap as she screamed from the surprise, and put her arms around his neck. they both kissed each other and heard a knock on the door which made them both pull apart Tech and Isa walked over to the door and got a surprise, which made Isa hide her face in Tech's chest as he put his hands on Isa's shoulders Tech chuckled.
Lexi: why are you hiding Isa?
Isa: no reason.
Ace: aren't you going to celebrate your birthday with us?
Isa: i completely forgot thanks guys.
Tech: well blow out your candles. Isa made her wish and everyone clapped their hands they all were sitting in the kitchen eating the cake, and Tech stood behind Isa and kissed her on her head which made her close one eye as she smiled from it.
Ace: well the wedding is in a couple of weeks we got everything ready so i hope your both ready for it.
Tech: we have plenty of time chief but right now i think Isa's tired it's been a long day for all of us. (helps Isa stand up) come on Isa let's get you too bed.
Isa: alright (yawns) night guys. Tech took Isa to bed and once she had gotten changed into her pajamas Isa was laying down in bed, getting ready to fall asleep until Isa felt a kiss on her cheek.

Tech: good night Isa.
Isa: night Tech. they both kissed each other and went to sleep Mythia was sleeping in her bed since the couple was cuddled together in bed. but Isa was having a bit of a nightmare and what she saw was terrifying, Isa jolted up covered in cold sweat then looked over only to see Tech was still asleep she laid her head on Tech's shoulder as she smiled at him. Isa heard him muttering smart quotes in his sleep Isa smiled and went back to sleep with a smile on her face as she kept her head on her fiance's shoulder.

*couple weeks later*

both Tech and Isa were getting ready but Isa was a nervous wreck at the moment a knock was heard on the door and Ace walked in to see Isa, when he walked in Ace saw how Isa looked and was shocked to her ready for the day.
Ace: wow Isa look at you you look beautiful. Isa's hair was done up in a bun with a couple of strands hanging down on the side, while she was wearing a rose choker.
Isa: thanks Ace but i feel so nervous i never thought this would happen, i dreamed of this day since i was a little girl.
Lexi: well it's almost time so how's Tech doing?
Ace: he's alright but i better go check up on him. Ace went to go check on Tech and saw he was having a bit of trouble with his tie, Ace walked over and put a hand on Tech's shoulder.
Ace: need some help?
Tech: yeah thanks. Ace fixed up Tech's tie and they both looked in the mirror while fixing up their suits.
Ace: come on it's almost time.
Tech: right and Ace thanks for being my friend.
Ace: of course Tech now we're going to be brothers. they both left and were ready for the wedding once the guys arrived it was time they all walked down and took their place then the music played which meant Isa was coming.

Ace: well here she comes. Liam and Isa had arrived and Tech saw how beautiful she looked which made his eyes open wide as Ace playfully nudged him, Liam walked Isa over to Tech and they both smiled at each other. Liam went to sit down with Marie and the ceremony had begun.
Rick: we are gathered here today to celebrate the love between Isa and Tech E. Coyote their love has proven strong and nothing can truly tear them apart. before they exchange rings Tech has some vows he would like to say for Isa.
Tech: Isa ever since i first met it felt like the world stopped and there you were the most beautiful coyote i had ever met, but now we're here aboutt o husband and wife i love you so much Isa my heart only yearns for you.

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