᯾✰ 𝟎𝟎𝟔 - 𝐚𝐝𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝟏✰᯾

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WARNINGS:Alcohol abuse/Family issues

"This is my boyfriend." My mom says smiling at me.
"What... y-you just broke up with dad! And I haven't seen him in god knows when.. but your- your just replacing him!?" I shout.
"Ruth! Me and your father broke up months ago and this has nothing to do with him!" My mom yells back.
"Really? You can't even say his name.. and you.. you know what, never mind.. I'm done." I say and walk upstairs.
"Carter.. I'm sorry she's acting like this.." My mom apologized to her boyfriend."

"I fucking hate you.." i mutter after slamming my room door.
I cry for minutes that feel like hours, tugging on my hair almost so hard it feels like it's ripping out.
"why..the fuck, would she do this." I mutter.


It's the last day of 7th grade and I'm walking home after dropping off my friends, once I get home I open the door to see a huge mess, boxes full and empty, my mom throwing my dads clothes across the hall. And my dad.. packing bags like he's moving out.

"Dad.. what's happening." I say with a shaky voice when my dad looks at me with a tear running down his eye.
"I might not see you in a while honey.. I love you." He says walking over to me and hugging me.
My mom finally gets out of her room and as I'm still hugging my dad we make eye contact.
"Let go of her and leave my house!" She shouted and made me flinch at the sudden noise.
"I have to go honey." My dad said and grabbed his things to leave.
I wanted to ask my mom what happened, but all I could do was run to my room and cry.
Later on that day, my mom told me that she found out my dad was cheating on her and he had to go, she took my phone.. deleted all ways I could contact him without telling me and left.. thinking I was, okay?


I hear a slight knock on my door that I'm still leaning on.
"What.." I mutter.
"You don't have to open the door.. but I just want to let you know, the only reason I wanted you to meet Carter so early is because.. he's moving in." My mom says hesitantly.
"You're.. joking?" I say getting up and opening the door.
"Ruth.. I'm not kidding I-" My mom says before I interrupt her.
"You're letting a fucking stranger live in our house!? You know what..fuck you!" I shout and slam my door.
"I'm going to bed!" I yell once more.

The next morning i got up early and walked to school myself just so i can spend more time out of my house. As i'm taking things out of my locker.. Shuji walks up to me.

"Hey Ruth." He says casually.
"Hey Shuji.." I say not realizing i look pissed.
"You alright?" He says leaning his head down and raising a brow.
"Yea..why?" I say still looking upset.
"You look pissed." Shuji chuckles at his comment but stops when i start talking.
"I met my moms boyfriend yesterday.." I say looking down.
"So that's the guy i saw when i left?" Shuji asks.
"Apparently.. i just can't believe she can replace my dad like that.." I say looking back up at Shuji.
"You're not.. happy for her?" He says when i give him an 'are you serious' face.
"No! She's like.. trying to ruin my life." I say still looking at him.
"I'm just saying.. if she's happy then.." Shuji says carefully.
"Your siding with her?" I say raising my voice not really thinking much of it.
It gets quiet for a minute until i speak up.
"Sorry.." I say and look back into my locker to put the rest of my things away.
"Your good.. i'll see you in class" Shuji says before walking away.

"so that's how you get..this answer." The teacher writes on the board. "For the rest of class you all can have free time." The teacher says after writing the answers on the board and sitting down.

I look over at Shuji to see that he's already looking at me and i quickly look away.

"Ruth.." Shuji whispers from across the room.
I turn back to look at him and reply.
"What? I'm trying to finish my notes." I say.
"Sorry for leaving you at the lockers.. i didn't wanna be late to class." He says still whispering.
I don't reply to his apology, instead i'm now paying attention to the empty seat next to him. But we're not even friends like that.. if i go sit by him he might think i'm weird, but.. we are talking right now, sooo.
"Do you want me to sit over there?" I ask.
"Umm... sure." He says looking at the chair next to him and back at me.
After he responds, i gather all of my things and shove them in my backpack, as i won't need them for the rest of class. I grab my bag and walk over to the table Shujis sitting at and sit down next to him.
"Hey.." I say, dropping my bag by my side.
"Sup." He awkwardly stutters out.
"By the way.. it's fine that you left me by the lockers.. i was kinda acting like a bitch anyways."I say after a moment of silence.
"Ok.." Shuji says before he shifts in his chair to where our knees are now touching.
"So uh.. what do you wanna do?"
"We can watch something?" I reply
"Yea that's fine" Shuji reply's and pulls up netflix on his laptop.


A/N: guys im gonna have to make this chapter in two parts because i didnt want it to be to long😭😭.. but anyways im so so so sooo sorry i havent been updating but you guys school is annoying and weird so i hardly get time to write. Im gonna try and pre write some more chapters but if i forget this is my apology in advance😭

i wish i didn't want you.. || shuji ishii-peters Where stories live. Discover now