Forget Your Regrets (Part 4/5)

Start from the beginning

Blue and Green simply waited in silence for a couple minutes before Blue spoke up first.

 "Green, can I ask you something?" Blue said hesitantly. He didn't want to sound awkward, but he was afraid that the tone of his voice may have already given that away.

Green started fiddling with his fingers, sensing that Blue was feeling nervous about something. 

"Yeah?" Green asked, sounding a little bit confused.

Blue leaned against the wall, looking at the floor beneath him. 

" remember how we were made?" Blue asked, not wanting to seem too insistent on finding an answer to his question.

Green fell silent, and he stopped moving his hands around. He seemed to be pondering something. 

After a couple moments of silence, Green finally spoke up again.

"I...actually don't remember. I guess my earliest memories are from this playplace." Green said slowly, he sounded like he was just realizing this. He shifted awkwardly.

Blue sighed. He had been right, no one seemed to remember where they came from. 

Blue himself didn't even remember. Just like Green, his earliest memories consisted of playing with his friends and hunting intruders down.

As they sat awkwardly for another couple of moments, Blue was starting to realize something. 

It seemed to be slowly coming together for him. He didn't quite know what it was, but something wasn't matching up correctly. 

He felt it deep down, and he knew he had to keep trying to find out what it was.

Green tilted his rectangular head slightly, seeming confused. 

"Do the others remember? We could ask them." Green said, sounding unbothered about it.

Blue shook his head, then remembered that Green couldn't see the movement. 

"No, they've already told me that they don't remember." Blue said, trying to think of a possible explanation.

Green reached over with his long arms and put a hand on Blue's shoulder, smiling at him. 

"Don't worry Blue. I'm sure it doesn't mean anything." Green told him, sensing that Blue wasn't happy.

Blue turned to look at Green and wished that he could be like his friend, always being positive, even when things could obviously be much better. 

He forced a smile, even though Green couldn't see it.

"Well I'm still curious." Blue answered, trying to sound somewhat casual, despite his growing unease. 

He anxiously glanced at the entrance to the room. He wondered if he could somehow find out the truth.

He thought about it for a minute. How would he even find that out? None of the Rainbow Friends seemed to remember where they came from. 

Blue was sure that there was an answer, he just needed to find it.

There was no evidence, at least, Blue wasn't sure. He had seen weird writing on other walls, but he still couldn't read them. 

He could try asking that other Rainbow Friends if they had seen anything else suspicious.

That was when Blue got an idea. 

He gasped, and Green turned towards him with a questioning look. Blue stood up quickly.

"Green, I just got an idea." Blue said. Green slowly stood up as well, excited.

"What is it?" He said, his googly eyes shaking around as he stood up.

Blue felt stupid for not thinking of it before. He was never the best at figuring things out, but this one should have been obvious.

"We should just go ask Red." Blue said, and Green nodded, agreeing with him. 

The scientist always seemed to have an answer, surely he would be able to help them out?

Blue glanced at the writing on the wall again before he turned away from it, dismissing it for the time being.

Blue walked down the ramp, Green following him down the ramp slowly, his squeaky footsteps one of the only sounds to break the silence. 

That was when Blue realized just how quiet it was.

"Green? Have you seen Orange recently?" Blue asked Green, pausing at the bottom of the ramp. 

Green paused thoughtfully for a moment, then continued walking down the ramp, making sure not to trip on the way down.

"No, not since I pulled him off Cyan's tail." Green responded. 

Blue remembered talking to Orange afterwards, but the little dino monster always seemed to be running around, livening up the entire place.

Blue decided that he would worry about that later if Orange still wasn't coming out, but he had more important things to do, so he brushed his concerns aside.

"Come on Green." Said Blue, walking off in the direction of the laboratory. Green bounced excitedly in his place and followed Blue down the hallway, his long arms almost dragging on the floor.

Blue hoped that he would get the answers that he wanted, and if anyone could give him answers, it would be Red.


Thanks for reading once again! Have a good day/night!

Sorry, posting may remain a little slower for a bit. But that doesn't mean I plan on stopping anytime soon!

Next Chapter: Forget Your Regrets (Part 5/5)

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