Noor stayed up worried all night as Zaviyaar hadn't returned until after Fajr. In the morning, Daadi mentioned that Waliya and Sairah Aunty were planning to visit. Trying to distract herself, Noor started preparing food when she heard loud voices. It was Uncle Harris talking to Zaviyaar.

"Can't you be polite? She's your mom," scolded Uncle Harris, frustrated by Zaviyaar's disrespectful behaviour towards his mother.

Zaviyaar snapped back, "Who are you to teach me manners? Mind your own business."

Uncle Harris decided to stay quiet, but he couldn't shake the feeling that Zaviyaar was a rude and troublesome person. Despite being grateful for Zaviyaar saving Noor from Khalifa, Harris couldn't ignore Zaviyaar's flaws, especially seeing his behaviour at the wedding and the questionable friends he had. Zaviyaar's wealth didn't make up for these concerns.

Ignoring Zaviyaar's interruption, Harris turned his attention to Ibrahim and Haneen Begum. "I wanted to talk to you about something very important," he began, launching into the narrative of how Noor was his daughter, kidnapped years ago, and how he had finally found her, hoping to start a new life together. However, before he could finish, Zaviyaar interjected.

"No, Noor isn't going anywhere. She belongs here. And how do we even know what you're saying is the truth?" Zaviyaar retorted, his protective stance unwavering.

"Can you cut it out?" Arham intervened, his frustration evident. "She's not your property."

"She's mine," Zaviyaar asserted, his possessiveness overshadowing reason.

Both of Zaviyaar's parents, disapproving of his behaviour, asked him to leave and offered apologies to the guests for the disruption. The tension in the room escalated as conflicting emotions swirled.

"You can have a DNA test done. I'm sure she's my flesh and blood," Harris suggested, attempting to bring a rational solution to the escalating dispute.

The suggestion of a DNA test lingered in the air, a potential resolution that could provide clarity amidst the emotional turmoil.

Haneen Begum, though visibly shaken by the revelation, remained composed. "Ibrahim, we need to consider this carefully. Noor's well-being is at stake, and we must make decisions that are in her best interest."

To which Ibrahim replied, "You're right, she's our responsibility, so we have to make sure she's your daughter. For that, we need to get the tests done, and it's not that we don't trust you. It's better to be safe than sorry," directing his words to Harris.

"I understand. I have no problems," Harris responded, acknowledging the necessity of the proposed tests.

Meanwhile, Zaviyaar went in search of Noor, torn between the desire to keep her and the lingering anger from their earlier confrontation.

"Uncle Harris is here, with your future husband Arham. Harris claims he's your father. Which makes Arham your cousin. How cute," Zaviyaar said, his words dripping with sarcasm and frustration, struggling to process the overwhelming emotions within him.

"Why are you doing this to me?" Noor pleaded, her eyes reflecting a mix of confusion and hurt.

"Why don't you listen to me? I told you not to be friends with other men. You're so religious. Why does Arham get an exception?" Zaviyaar retorted, frustration etched in the lines of his face.

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