Know I'm miserable

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"Guys, it's time to go!" Porsche's voice sounded near the main entrance as Tankhun kept up his excited exclamations.

Who were they waiting for?

Arm and Pol made their way to the van, matching Tankhun's energy with loud yells.

It was going to be a long night Big concluded as he hesitantly joined the group.

Big didn't necessarily love going clubbing.

Who was he kidding, he'd never really gone partying before. He's been the main family's bodyguard for as long as he could remember, and all he associated with parties were the drunken idiots losing control of themselves.

Of course, partying was better than his apartment, even if he'd rather isolate himself.

"Maybe you'll stop drowning," he thought to himself, as his anxiety came back up, wanting him to leave.

The ride to Yok's bar was uncomfortable, with loud yelling from Tankhun and his usual sidekicks, and it didn't get much better once they arrived at said bar.

He took a deep breath and reminded himself of Kim's words.

"Maybe you'll stop drowning"

The group suddenly yelled louder than before, running off and swarming someone in hugs. Tankhun almost tackled them to the ground.

It didn't take Big long to figure out who.

Only one person could make them go crazy like that. He walked a bit closer, and slowly his face became visible through the group.


His face turned to him, the smile disappearing for a moment, but then it was back up "Big" he greeted.

Big nodded "Pete"

"Let's get inside" Porsche spoke, after a moment of silence, and put an arm around Pete.

Kim pulled up to the main entrance, turning off the engine. It was late enough for him to assume his brothers and Big had been gone for a while. He walked inside the quiet mansion and made his way to his room to get his notebooks.

He walked out of the elevator, and down the corridor, when the sound of a guitar playing from a different hallway caught his ear. His heart skipped a beat, knowing immediately who it was.

It couldn't be anyone else.

It was the song he had written for him.

He knew he should ignore it and walk away from it, but his legs moved on his own. He followed the sound and found Porchay out on the balcony.

He watched as Porchay played the guitar, the song he had given to him.

It hurt.

It hurt because even if they still loved each other, they couldn't be together.

A sound, a small movement caused the guitar to stop. Maybe Porchay just stopped all by himself, either way, it came to a halt and Kim, who had been frozen, snapped back to reality, and silently turned around, walking out of sight, and away before Porchay could see him.

"Hello?" he heard Porchay ask, having felt or heard Kim's presence, "Is anyone there?"

and Kim walked faster while trying to be as silent as possible.

"Kim?" his small voice sounded, and the disbelief was clear. Kim stopped walking, having been caught already.

"How are you?" Porchay let out, his voice was soft but cautious. Afraid Kim would be hostile or walk away from him. Kim could hear his small and hesitant footsteps as he slowly neared him.

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