It's called privacy

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"Dr. Park just ended his session with Kim, master Khun" Arm informed the mess on the couch

"Oh, that's interesting" Khun exclaimed, while Kinn shook his head at him

"I can't believe you got our brother into therapy" an arm around Porsche's shoulders, who added, "What gave you the idea?"

Tankhun only shrugged, "Oh just..."

He shrugged again. "You can't tell me he isn't a bit odd, distant" he merely gestured.

"I don't know a lot about him" then he seemed to remember something "Pete sent me an update on Vegas" and pulled out his phone

"Oh god, how's that psycho doing?" Tankhun asked with a scoff.

"Hey" Kinn threw at his brother, who only rolled his eyes.

"He's responding, how you would expect him to." Porsche started out

"Lots of mood swings, anger tantrums." he paused for a moment to read Pete's text "Pete says he's basically going through the 5 stages of grief every day and he's starting to contemplate putting him in one of those weird shirts" Porsche did a gesture to imitate a straitjacket "Oh" the brothers let out in unison "A straitjacket" Porsche finally spoke

"Was Vegas your idea too?" Kinn asked Tankhun who scoffed aloud, extremely offended.

"Me?! That psycho? Never!"

"He could rot in hell for all I care!" he yelled, but the others were used to it, and barely reacted to it

"Getting Vegas into therapy sounds like a suicide mission!" he then mumbled with a pout, looking away from them.

"Only Pete would have the guts for that" Porsche clarified to Kinn

"But why?" He asked, and Porsche looked him dead in the eye.

"Kinn, Tankhun" Porsche looked at the latter, before turning back to Kinn "He just lost everything. His dad just died not too long ago"

Tankhun looked away with a hint of guilt, while Kinn was quiet for a moment

"Do you think it'll help?"

"You're the one who let him go"

"Technically that was my dad who let him live," Kinn corrected, but Porsche just stared him dead in the eye.

"I'm just happy our brother didn't end up that crazy, thank god!" Tankhun broke the tense silence.

"What?" Kinn and Porsche exclaimed, while Tankhun just waved a hand at them dismissively with a scoff.

"Don't tell me you don't think Kim has the potential to end up like Vegas." he argued "They're both, kind of odd"

It's not that Kinn hadn't ever thought about it, but he never thought it would come from Khun, who adores their younger brother.

He and Porsche didn't say anything but shared a look, and Tankhun rolled his eyes "Arm!"

"Yes sir?"

"When is Big returning?"

"Two of the bodyguards are bringing Dr. Park back to his office as we speak. Big and the last bodyguard stayed behind but will be returning here soon."

"Should we go see Dr. Park, to get a summary?" Kinn threw out, but Tankhun dismissed him. "No, it can wait, it's fine"

"Big has returned sir"

"Wonderful!" Tankhun exclaimed, but when he turned around in his seat to get the tea, he froze, his smile faltering.

Kinn tensed up too, face cold, but his eyes were staring Big down in concern.

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