Chapter 1: Black Hand

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"Black Hand?"


"I want you to kill someone for me"

"Name, place and amount"

"Name is Migel, he will be down at 12th street. I will pay you $25,00,000"

"He will be dead by midnight."

"I will write the money in your account right away."

Unknown location
"No please don't kill me. Please I beg you. Who are you? Why do you wa..nt to kill me?"

"Your begging won't work, so please don't do it. You are going to die today, so any last wishes Migel?"

"I..I want to talk to my family once"

"So sad..unfortunately you won't be able to"
And she stabbed a knife right between his chest, opening it wide, blood started flowing down and Migel was dead.

"You work is done, he is dead"

"Good job. I hope you have received your amount"

"I did and now don't call me again"

No I wasn't always like this, but things happen in life, which leads you to different paths, so here I am.

I am assasin
I am the best assassin in the country, maybe even in the world.
This is because no one knows me except for my best friend.  The world doesn't knows my real identity or who I really am!
I have never missed a shot.
And I am know as the Black Hand!

"Where are you?"

"At work"

"Are you kidding me Ariana, I am at the warehouse and I see you nowhere here"

"I am out but for work purpose only. You say why did you call?"

"Why aren't you answering mama's calls? She has been asking me about you for hours now, call her right now"

"I will"

"That would be good. You know right what is today, Ari?"

"I know"

"Then know that mama expects you to be there when they release him"

"Hmm. I will call you later Alexander"

Home(Dawson Mansion)-

"Ariana Dawson, where have you been the whole night yesterday? Do you really think that you would sneak out of the house and I wouldn't know about it?"

"Of course not mama, who told you that I was out? Was it the sneaky Mateo?"

"Who else is my source in this house? I must say if it wouldn't have been for Mateo then how would I have know where you are!"

"I must give him a lesson now, he is my friend but his loyalty lies more to you"

"Of course why wouldn't he be, after all he is also like my son"

"Yeah yeah"

"And you still didn't answer my question, where were you?"

"I had some work so I had to go"

"What work?"

"Mama cut the details, tell me what did you wanted to talk about that you called me more than 10 times yesterday?"

"He's coming back today and I want you to accompany us when we pick him up"

"I don't see any use of mine there. What will I do there, when the whole family is anyhow going to jail to pick him up, I will see him at home directly"

"No you won't stay at home. You are going to come along and that's final, I swear Ariana if i don't see you there I don't know what I will do"

"Mom you can't force me, I have so much work to do"

"Is your stupid work more important than to receive your own father from the jail?"

"Yes.. it is"

"I don't care Ari..we are going to pick him up at the evening and I want you to be there with Alexander"


"You promise to come?"
"Do you promise to be there?"

"You will see me there"

"Don't break this promise of yours at least, please"

"Okay mama"

"And as Axel is coming back home today, we have a family dinner and I want you there too. I don't want them to think that you don't care about things or that you are still irresponsible and reckless"

"Am I really all that you said?"

"Yes you are, you are only 19 but you act like 25"

"I like to be older than my age. Age is just a number for me mama"

"Too many adult talks Ariana, go get some sleep now and if you hungry, I will tell one of the staff to serve you food"

"No thanks I am good, I would like to rest a little now"

"Yes you sure do, after all tonight's going to be a long night for all of us"

He is coming back today. My father is coming home today from jail, after 3 years. And my mum wants me to come along to receive him, why? Because she wants me to act like I still care about my father after all his bad deeds?! She wants me to be there, so that my father doesn't blames himself for who I have become but isn't it true after all, that I am who I am because of my father. He made me emotionless and I am not at all ashamed to say that I am a fucking monster's daughter.

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RR Creations ❤️

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