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I couldn't sleep much last night, blame insomnia for that. Let's hope someone else is having a better night than me.

Dante came home late last night, he thinks i don't know that he's part of the illegal racing squad. He is a good rider, but he needs to remember that he's part of the mafia and causing more trouble for himself. Sometimes i wonder if Luca is the mature one or him.

"Sir are you okay?" I'm pulled out of my thoughts by her, leaning against the doorframe rubbing her sleepy eyes.

"Why'd you wake up?"

"I w-was hungry so i went out of the room and s-saw the light coming from this room."

"Why didn't you eat?"

"I-i was sleeping."

I mentally face palm my self,ofcourse she was asleep. "Let's get you food then."

There was some left over Mussaka in the fridge, i heated it up and gave it to her. "Aren't you eating?" she asked slightly tilting her head.

"Do you realize that you were kidnapped or are you just like this?"

"Well i have experienced worse, plus you literally answered my prayers." She responded making me raise an eyebrow.

"The people i lived with were very bad people and they hurt me alot so i wished that i could get taken away from that place very soon and you came." she smiled at me. Is she insane or is it just me?

it's just you amigo.I think she's cute

She's a damn minor, you moron

So was juliet

Why would i listen to your crap?

because i'm your conscious stronzo.

"Sir are you okay?" she brought me back to reality.

"Why are you like this?"


"What if i'm a bad guy too?"

"Then i'll just accept it as it is.Life is too short, so live as though everyday is your last day."

"May i ask you something."


"I saw some bruises on your arm and-

"D-did y-you touch me?" she whispered, her eyes were getting glossy with tears, hoping that i didn't touch her.

"No no no, i wouldn't love.I asked to know if you want to seek medical attention or not."

she breathed out a sigh of relief. I may be a monster to the world but i deeply respect women more than anything. Mama raised me right.


Lia finished eating and i asked Dante to give her a house tour tomorrow. There are some matters that i need to take care of.

Being a Capo is quite a lot to handle. I have to deal with both the illegal and legal sides of the businesses. The only way out is through death and i'm not planning on dying anytime soon. Why the hell does she keep on calling me sir? Am i that old? why am i even getting pissed? Ugh i need to rest can't be dealing with crap like this at the moment.


Unknown caller

"Capo Mio."

"Did you handle it?"

"You are a child to me Ricardo, don't forget that."

"And i am your boss and wouldn't mind killing you at anytime."

"I handled it...boss"

"I won't be kind to you like my father, i will put a bullet through that thick skull of yours, so remember who you are fucking talking to and what your position is understood?"

"Si Capo."

"Kill that bastard. He's useless now."


I got home quite early today and found Lia watching a disney movie with bella. We had dinner together and it felt like ahe belonged here. Maybe i am delusional.


"Yes? And my name is Ricardo ok don't make me old." she chuckled and nodded in agreement.

"Ricardo, when will i be going back to school?" My eyes widened,not in shock but at my stupidity. I forgot that she still goes to school. I will just get her inrolled in my siblings school.

"You will be going to the same school as Bella and Dante." She nodded in response.

She is really...pretty.

Hey my dear cupcakes. Hope you all are well. I know that my book hasn't become a hit yet and i published it only today but i am happy that it already has a few reads.I had been planning on writing a book for a while but got lazy and preoccupied. Hope you will enjoy this story as i hope you would.Please vote and comment💞💗

Word Count:745

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