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hey guys👋. I am a beginning Author hoping to recieve love and support from you all. I got the sudden motivation to write a book, and i thought of trying it out. I don't have any links or websites...yet,but if this book blows up as i planned it would then... i might reconsider. I am proudly South African but that doesn't mean that the content will be based off of my nationality. I am still in high school so i won't be able to update much.

If you have any suggestions on how to achieve my goals of being a writer, please do not hasitate to share your thoughts with me. I may not be a good writer but I am very much alert, so i will know if my work has been plagerized and when i find you buddy I promise to give you a slow and crucial death ( JK,but seriously don't). I do have an instagram and TikTok account, but there isn't anything posted.Please note that english is not my first Language so there will be a few errors but please help in correcting.Writing is a suggested minor job that i wish to partake in, if i actually develop my writing skills so please assist me.

The whole point of writing this book is to give my self appreciation and finally come out of my shell. Your time and support will be very much appreciated.

lot's of love, my dear cupcakes(note; i love food)and hope we could get to experience this amazing journey of writing together💞😊

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words: 281

SECRET DOVEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora