The Second Night of the Battle of Manhattan

Start from the beginning

Thalia: But Percy, there's no telling when you'll get another chance for rest. It's going to be a long night—maybe our last night.

I didn't like it, but I knew she was right. I nodded wearily and gave her Pandora's jar.

Percy: Do me a favor. Lock this in the hotel vault, will you? I think I'm allergic to pithos.

Thalia: You got it.

She looked at Zoe and nodded her head towards Theo, who didn't notice. Zoe nodded before looking at Theo.

Zoe: Theo, a word.

Theo nodded before leaving the room with Thalia and Zoe.

Theo's POV

The second we left the room, Thalia and Zoe stood in front of me with their arms crossed.

Thalia: Note. Now.

Theo: I told you, it's nothing—

Thalia: Unless you want an arrow shot right up your ass, you take that note out of your pocket right now and read it out to us.

I glanced at Zoe, who had the same serious expression on her face as Thalia.

Theo: I'm not getting out of this, am I?

Zoe: No.

I sighed before fishing out the note that Maryam Aziz dropped and reading it.

Theo: "Courtlandt Alley. Before nightfall. We need to talk. Come alone. M."

Thalia and Zoe looked at each other nervously before looking back at me.

Zoe: This could be a trap. A trick to get you alone in order to catch you unawares.

Theo: Maybe. But if this is legit, we might learn something that can help.

Thalia: I'm with Zoe. This could be a trap that Orion had her set up.

Theo: You might be right. But if there's a chance that it's not, don't you think I should take it?

Thalia and Zoe looked at each other nervously. I knew that they did want me to go, but they knew that I had to, since this might our last chance to gain some sort of advantage.

Zoe: Very well. Before you leave, give me the flare.

I reluctantly took out the flare Prometheus gave me and gave it to Zoe. She quickly walked into a nearby trash can and tossed the flare in it.

As Zoe walked back to me, I felt a weight in my jacket pocket. I dug into it and...the flare was back.

Thalia: What?

She walked to the trash can and looked into it before furrowing her eyebrows and looking back at me.

Thalia: Did someone give you another flare?

Theo: No. This is the only one I was given...Unless...

Zoe: Unless it works like Percy's sword. Try to throw it away, it will just return to your pocket.

Thalia: Di Immortales. Alright, you know what? Fuck it. We'll worry about that later. For now, just go, Theo. But don't you dare light that flare. You hear me?

Theo: Yes, ma'am.

Thalia: I'm serious, Theodore Bartholomew Miller. I already lost one brother; no fucking way am I going to lose another. I can't...I can't let you throw your life away.

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