Chapter 1: BLOOD RED

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Trisha's POV

Instead of waking up on my bed, I wake up on the carpet lying on the floor. As soon as I complete my assignment I sleep like a dead body too lazy to move from this carpet which is in total mess. All my sketches are lying around and I wake up like a bird in her nest.
My boss makes us work like a bull on Sundays while I being his assistant and project leader work like a zombie. Hence, Sunday is a day of the war in which I need to win over my hotheaded boss.
I got ready for the office and went for my breakfast.

The dining is set up with white plates, clean shining glasses, and perfectly circled omelettes and the stuffed sandwiches are placed again on a clean white plate. I never understood was white his favourite colour or if he was just elegant. I started to fill my stomach and the taste was amazing like always. Dad is busy admiring the poster hanging on the wall. The poster carries a photo of my every expression from my sad face, crying face, happy face, moody face, bored face... you name it, it will be on the poster.
"Yes." Dad matched my current expression with the poster.
"You seem exhausted." He started eating the white omelette.
"Work. Dad. Work. I slept only for 4 hours."

After we both finish our breakfast I as always watch Dad getting ready for his work.
"Goodbye, princess." He said wearing polished black shoes.
"You took your wallet?"
"Yes." He said looking at the door.
"Hiper medicine?"
"Good. Now-"
"Y-you're always like this. I'm a man, a father. I can take care of myself." He looks down at his shiny shoes.
"Dad, what are the routes?"
"Metro station, final station then walk till you reach lord shiva temple then coming straight to Ahuja society and then on the highway itself is my workplace." He explained.
"OK, don't talk with strangers ignore them if you can & if by any means your eyes find any red colour then-"
"Breathe in, Breathe out & one pill of Hiper medicine."
"Wow! You know everything. Bye, Dad." I kiss him on the cheek. "Love you."
"Love you too bacha." He smiled looking at me then left.
My world stopped. Again I feel like a little girl. This is the only moment in my life which I cherish the most. His one look is enough. It's very rare when he looks at me or talks to me face to face. And now my whole day will finish in peace even if I'm facing my hotheaded boss.

You guys may find me stupid the way I talk to Dad. Well, he has ASD (Autism spectrum disorder). People with ASD often have problems with social communication & interaction. They have different ways of learning, moving & paying attention.
I have stayed near him my whole life not wasting any time at parties, with friends or going out. I support him & love him the way he is. I was immature before. Sometimes, I laugh at my childhood memory.

Flashback* (Trisha in 8th class)

"OK, students tomorrow on Saturday we're conducting a parent-teacher meeting (PTM). I want each of your parents on the day of PTM OK?"
"Good, now write the notice in your school diary."
Soon the bell rang and it was lunchtime. Everyone ran outside with their tiffin boxes while only 2-3 students were present in the classroom.
"Trisha, come here. Need to talk." Mam call me.
"Look, I never saw your parents on PTM. I got to know from your previous class teacher that this was the same condition. You seem distant Trisha. You don't have friends and not interact with anyone. If something is going on with you or at home you can share it with me, right? Your teacher is always with you." I was looking down the whole time as if my shoes were made of glass like Cinderella's.
"Mam, I need to go to the washroom... may I?"
She signed knowing that I was running away with a terrible excuse. "You may." She said. I move toward my desk feeling someone's stare on me but I ignore it.
"And you Mr Rakshit!" She bangs the desk with a duster.
"I think your family has a ton of people. On 1st PTM you came with your mom & dad, then on the next, it was your uncle & aunt & on the previous meeting you came with an old man who was your uncle's uncle. What is that supposed to mean? If you continue to do this I will report to your elder brother Jeet Raval Singh who is in 10th class right??"
"No. No, Mam, you can't do that. Instead of you taking my class he will take my class and that too very... I can't even imagine." He was horrified while others started to laugh at him but I held my emotionless face. Maybe I'm too lost to even laugh.
After school ended I came back home only to be welcomed by darkness. I think I'm managing to not have my mom. She died two years ago cutting her wrist pulse/vein by the blade. She was in a bathtub and the water was no longer transparent but blood red. Dad was the first person to encounter her cold dead body. The only thing she left behind was a note written: I can't take anymore. pls, forgive me. Since then whenever Dad see blood or things which are red it triggers him.

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