Chapter 1

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In the grand auditorium of the renowned SNU, a hushed anticipation lingered in the air as the prestigious university prepared to host you, a distinguished and revered businessman, as the guest of honor for the graduation ceremony. The hall, adorned with elegant architecture, resonated with the whispers of eager students, each aspiring to embody your success. Your presence was magnetic, drawing admiration not only for your accomplishments but also for the charismatic allure you brought to the stage.

 Your presence was magnetic, drawing admiration not only for your accomplishments but also for the charismatic allure you brought to the stage

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As you took the podium, the atmosphere crackled with enthusiasm. The students, clad in academic regalia, gazed at you with a mixture of reverence and aspiration. The questions posed by the graduates reflected their eagerness to glean insights from your wealth of experience. They sought guidance on navigating the complexities of the business world and the secrets behind your success. With poise and eloquence, you responded, sharing anecdotes and valuable lessons that left an indelible mark on the graduating class.

Amid the intellectual exchange, the air was subtly charged with admiration, as whispers of admiration and respect echoed through the auditorium. Even the seasoned professors, usually reserved in their demeanor, couldn't help but be captivated by the charisma that permeated your words. The scene unfolded as a harmonious blend of inspiration and intellectual curiosity, making it a memorable day for both you and the graduating class of SNU.

In the culmination of this momentous occasion, a resounding applause filled the auditorium as you congratulated the graduates on their remarkable achievement.

"Congratulations, esteemed graduates of SNU! Today marks a significant milestone in your journey, and I am honored to stand here amidst such promising talent

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"Congratulations, esteemed graduates of SNU! Today marks a significant milestone in your journey, and I am honored to stand here amidst such promising talent. Your hard work and dedication have brought you to this point, and I have no doubt that each one of you is destined for greatness." You said.

The applause swelled as you extended your warm wishes to the graduates, and the Dean of SNU joined you on stage, ready to present the degrees.

"Ladies and gentlemen, today, we are privileged to have not only our esteemed graduates but also a distinguished guest, Mister Kim, who has graciously shared his invaluable insights with us. Together, let us present the degrees to these outstanding individuals."

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