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After a long, tiresome day of fighting Sand-Man, Melody and Miles warily swung to Melody's apartment.

As they both made it to her room, they panted for air. Melody looked at Miles and hit him a weak grin, "Well, that was something, wasn't it?" Miles took off his mask and exhaled, "something is such an understatement...but yeah! At least we did it."

Melody shrugged, "Spider-Man always gets up!" She commanded her suit to come off, walking to her bedroom door, "Imma make something to eat, you want anything?" Miles yawned, "Nah...I'm just tired as hell, I'm good."

And with that, Melody nodded and left the room.

A few minutes later, she entered her room again, this time with a cheese-paste sandwich.  She snickered when she saw that Miles was already sleeping on her bed, spread off like a starfish.

He still had his suit on and the blanket was barely covering him due to his position.

Melody quickly took out her phone and snapped a picture before helping him.

She walked over to the bed and nudged Miles slightly. "Milo...fix yourself.." she whispered. Miles groaned softly as he became half awake. "¿Qué está pasando ahora? (What's going on now?)" he asked in his sleepy voice. The voice that Melody totally wasn't screaming internally over or anything 🤗.

"Arréglate. Pareces una estrella de mar, Milo. (Fix yourself. You look like a starfish, Milo.)" Melody giggled.

Miles did what he was told to do and asked softly, "¿Tú también vienes a dormir? (You coming to sleep too?)" "No, no, sigue adelante y duerme, tengo trabajo que terminar de todos modos. (No no, you go ahead and sleep, I got work to finish anyways.)" Melody replied, pulling the thick blanket over Miles.

Miles snickered, "¿En serio me estás metiendo? (Are you seriously tucking me in?)" Melody rolled her eyes playfully, "You got a problem with that, Morales?" Miles laughed more, "No...not at all. I like it."

Melody tried to hold back her smile and said, "Goodnight, Milo." Miles slowly closed his eyes, "Mhmmm...goodnight, Mel."

After Miles went asleep, Melody just stood there, admiring him for a bit. He looked so peaceful to her.

The way he nuzzled up into her pillow.

The way he had a slight smile on his sleeping face.

The way how he wrapped himself into a human burrito.

'Lowkey, this is kinda cute...ew is that drool- anyways! Still cute.'

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