Basketball Practice

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Headcannons!!Miles doesn't play basketball a lot but when he does, he's a complete GOD at it

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Miles doesn't play basketball a lot but when he does, he's a complete GOD at it.

You guys are equally good.

If he loses, he will DEMAND a rematch until he wins 'fair and square'

He makes every effort to come watch you during basketball practice, even if he shows up as Spider-Man.

If you lose, you blame it on Miles getting bitten by the spider.

Miles almost hit a car when he was trying to impress you by shooting the basketball backwards.

You guys have a deal where the loser has to do 10 push-ups (Miles usually gets them but he doesn't mind, he uses every excuse to impress you)

"What if I do a cartwheel into a double backflip into a slam dunk?"

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