track VI | "a troubled mind"

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"oh i told you, love, if you could see it through my eyes, you'd understand my fear of everything in sight."

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LAURIE sat on her bed, contemplating her last 12 hours. She wondered, not only, how she had lived in such naivety, but how she would live without it. The notion of ignorant bliss now rung true in her heart, as she wondered how she was supposed to keep yet another secret from her family.

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As Laur waited for what seemed to be the whole entire reservation to arrive at Sam's house, she understood that she had uncovered something far larger than her little rainy town. No, she now comprehended the fact that she had uncovered something that had a history. Why else would half of the Quileute tribe be visiting Sam's house?

As they arrived, Paul and Jared hustled through the door, mirroring the prior actions of Sam. Leah trailed behind, rolling her eyes at the unusual and unruly behavior of the teenage boys. Billy and Harry, however, came in more quietly, and hastily, an air of desperation slightly recognizable. Finally, Emily waltzed inside, back from a trip to the market.

When Paul scanned the living room, he froze. Laurie, he thought. He rushed to her side, surveying her body as if to make sure that she was uninjured. "Rie Rie? Why are you here? What's wrong? Are you hurt? Sam, is she hurt?"

The girl laughed, before taking her hand and ruffling Paul's hair, a feeling that the boy basked in. "Paul, I am fine. You don't have to worry."

Laurie leapt up from her seat and rushed towards Leah. She smiled at the girl, before throwing herself into a hug. "Leah Clearwater, it has been entirely too long. Look at you! You are so pretty!"

Leah smiled, her cheeks warming from the compliment. "It has been quite a long time, hasn't it. I've missed you Laur. You are one of the only girls I could truly get along with when we were kids."

Laurie smiled, warmly. "You are welcome to come over at any time. We must catch up."

The girl then moved her attention towards the rest, tipping her head as she greeted them. "Billy, Harry, Jared, it's nice to see you." She hugged Emily, briefly.

After the group settled in, Harry, Sam, Emily, and Jared facing the girl, Leah and Paul at her sides, Sam shared a knowing look with Harry, and nodded his head, as if to signify a start to the conversation. "Alright guys. We have a situation on our hands." Sam looked to Laurie, before continuing, "Laurie, I want you to share what you told me earlier tonight."

Laur took a deep breath, scanning the eyes on her, before beginning. "The day that Bella got into her accident, Edward Cullen was standing 30 yards away from her pickup truck. He was nowhere near her, and yet, in the blink of an eye, as Tyler's car came towards her, Edward was cradling her in his arms, and both Bella and him came out unharmed."

The group looked expectantly. They understood that Laurie was a smart girl. She continued, "So, I went home, and I researched. I know that the Cullens are vampires. I know that the world is not what it seems to be, and I needed to tell someone. So I told Sam, and here we are.

Laurie looked around the room. It seemed as if the group were taking a collective sigh. Harry began to speak. "Laurie, that information, the information that you just told us, is dangerous. It is dangerous for anyone to know, which is why I am proud of you for coming to us to handle it. But, what I am not understanding, is why you chose us to come to. I think that you must know more than you are letting on."

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