23 | i only drink coffee in canada

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♫  jealous / nick jonas

i don't like the way he's looking at you
it's not your fault that they hover
cause you're too sexy, beautiful
and everybody wants to taste
that's why i still get jealous

🍊 🍊 🍊

| real life | social media |

real life

"Loser starts," I state one of our rules, reminding him that I won our last game.

Chris hums in acknowledgement, dropping his head back against the seat to stare at the ceiling as he thinks. I ponder my own two truths and a lie while I wait for him. Madi is right - Chris really does know basically everything about me. So my facts have to be either super out of pocket or random ass things that make total sense for me to have done.

"Okay," Chris announces, catching everyone's attention. "You ready?"

I nod, schooling my face into a serious expression. "Let the games begin."

Chris clears his throat and fixes his gaze on me. "This morning, I used all your face products because I wanted to try them. Last month, I had a dream that you went streaking. And when I miss you, I watch The Parent Trap because it reminds me of you."

"I know that you had a dream about me streaking because Nick told me," I state immediately. "So that's a truth."

Chris' jaw drops and his gaze swivels to Nick. "I didn't even tell you about my dream!"

Nick shrugs, not looking sorry at all. "Matt told me."

Chris' glare shifts to Matt, who smiles sheepishly. "Oops? You only said not to tell Bryn. You never mentioned Nick."

"That's crazy that you wouldn't tell me you had a dream about me streaking," I raise my eyebrows at Chris. "And I will be needing a full explanation later. But now let me think."

"What happens if you both win or lose?" Madi interrupts.

"Rematch until someone is victorious," Chris answers, his blue eyes not moving off me.

I weigh my final two options in my mind before making a decision. "I think it's a lie that you used all my facial products this morning. It's too long of a process for you to commit to, and last month you made that comment about Nick acting like Meridith Walker, so Parent Trap lines up."

"You said what?" Nick shrieks quietly, leaning forward to stare at Chris. "Why would you say that?"

Chris waves Nick off, his attention focused on me. When his lips curve up in a smirk, I know I fucked up.

"Damn it!" I groan, my head falling back into the seat. "You seriously used all my products?"

"Sure did. And my skin feels great," Chris nods proudly. "When I miss you, I watch either Rapunzel or Frozen."

"Fuck you," I mumble, straightening back up. "Okay, I'm ready with mine."

Chris nods at me to continue, his eyes narrowing in focus.

"When I was home in Somerville two months ago, I borrowed your skates because mine were at school, and I accidentally chipped the blade."

"I really hope that's a lie," Chris interrupts me, shaking his head. "I will be fucking pissed if that's true."

I keep my face settled in a neutral expression and continue. "Same trip home, I stayed at your house for two days and accidentally spilled coffee all over your white Fresh Love hoodie and couldn't get the stain out, which is why you couldn't find it last week. And once a month, I have coffee with your mom to spill tea about all of you, and I'm the reason she found out you hadn't eaten any veggies in two months last fall."

mona lisa , chris sturnioloOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora