Double Life

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Jana(Pointing at DL.): Anyway, moving on, he's going first.

DL: Oh. So I'm the first life?

Jana: Yes. (The screen played the clip of Scott's episode one intro where Grian explained the concept of Double Life.)

S1: Wait, you only respawn twice?!

DL: Um, yeah. Isn't that how it works in your life?

NL: In my life you only respawn five times.

S1 and s2: What?!

WC: Must be a short life.

Jana: I guess it was.

WC: A soulmate? This isn't going to be romantic, is it?

DL: No, not really. We just call it a soulmate to have a word for it. It makes sense anyway, since you're sharing a health bar.

S1(Thoughtfully.): If one of you dies, then the other also dies...

S2(Looking at s1.): That reminds me of-

Jana(Interrupting.): No spoilers, Scott.

WC(Groaning.): Ugh, I thought I left spoilers behind in the other session.

Jana: Unfortunately you didn't.

S2: Do we get a list of everyone from the other lives?

Jana: No, that's too complicated.

S1: Oh, Joel's in that life.

NL: You know Joel?

S2: Do we all know Joel?

WC: Who's Joel?

DL: Was that done on purpose?

WC(When Scott got the message 'Your soulmate is... ???'.): Great, another cliffhanger. I thought I left that in the other session too!

Jana: It's hard to tell a story without at least one cliffhanger, Scott.

DL: It's so weird having a bunch of other people with your own name... (Then the screen played the clip of Scott going around trying to find his soulmate.)

S2(When Grian took a lot of damage at once.): Yeah, definitely either Jimmy or Scar.

NL: You know Jimmy and Scar too?

S1: Do we all know Jimmy?

WC: Who's Jimmy?

DL: Okay, this is definitely being done on purpose.

WC: I also don't know who this Scar guy is either.

S1: Me neither.

WC: Well at least I'm not odd one out.

S1: It feels weird not being the only one with a Scottish accent now.

Everyone: Yup. (The screen played the clips of Scott meeting Cleo and deciding to be unofficial soulmates and Scott talking about how he's taking destiny into his own hands, as well as the clip of Scott and Cleo confronting Martyn and Pearl about divorcing from them.)

WC: You're best friends with Cleo?

DL: Yeah, are you?

WC: Yeah, we're besties.

S2: I haven't met Cleo personally but I know her.

NL: And before anyone asks, I don't know Cleo.

S1: Me neither. Oh, Pearl's in this life too.

DL(Flatly.): Yes, she was.

S2: Do you not like her? Also, I'm assuming she's still a regular person in that life and not a sunflower goddess, right?

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