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It's been two days since Bella's and Bernard's date, although she haven't heard anything from him, of course Bernard has because he secretly hired people to keep an eye to Bella.

Bella was in the closet looking for a pijama to wear, it was 9:00 o'clock and was time for her to sleep.

After wearing her pijamas she got out of the closet and jumped in her place when she saw Bernard sitting in her bed while looking at his phone.

"You scared the shit out of me Bernard, how did you even get in?" She asked with a hand on her chest.

"I couldn't sleep so I came here to sleep with my girlfriend, is there are problem?" He say like it's the most normal thing to break into someone's house.

"You should have told me, I almost die when I saw you" She narrowed her eyes at him.

"Well that's how I am... oh come on! Didn't you missed me amore?" Bella blushed when he called her like that, she indeed missed him.

"No" She said playfully.

He stood up from bed and stepped dangerously towards her, he cage her between the wall and his body and grabbed her by the waist.

"Is that so?" He whisper dangerously in her ear making her gulp.

'That fucking mouth of yours Bella' She internally scolded herself.

She didn't say anything.

"Cat got your tongue amore?" Bernard smirked at her and she grin nervously.

"Let's get to bed" He took her hand gently and lead her towards her bed, they got into it and Bernard pull Bella closer, he held her in his embrace near his heart.

Bella relaxed by hearing his heart beating, it was like a song to her, Bernard on the other hand was inhaling Bella's scent and that was relaxing him.

"Why couldn't you sleep?" Bella asked.

"What?" He asked confused.

"You said you were here because you couldn't sleep, why couldn't you?" She mumble.

"My sister Adriana, she is the reason I can't sleep" He replied sadly.

"What happened to her?" She mumble, with droopy eyes.

"Sleep amore" Bernard gently kissed her forehead and caressed her back until he heard soft snores, he smiled and soon he fell into a deep slumber in Bella's arms.


It was 8:00 when Bernard woke up, he look at Bella sleeping peacefully, she was looking so fucking cute while sleeping, her soft lips were slightly in a pout, her long black hair were covering the pillows beneath her.

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