Chapter Thirty-Three

Start from the beginning

"She's pregnant, not fat." River snapped. "And even if she were, she's a million times prettier and smarter than you."

Apparently what he'd said took her aback, because she just huffed and glared at him before turning sharply to walk away.

"Sticking a bow on a cow doesn't make her any less a cow."

"Calling people names doesn't make you any less stupid either," he shot back, turning around to face her. "You need to get your priorities straight if you think harassing someone better than you is a good way to pass the time. We're going to get lunch now, and I'd suggest you do the same, but I don't think you even know what food is."

She left them then, storming off down the hall and leaving the three of them standing in the hallway together, onlookers slowly starting to go off about their business. River turned back around and found both Charlie and Adrian staring at him in surprise, and his face got hot very quickly, making him duck his head.

"Well." Adrian started, nodding a little. "Alright then. Don't insult Charlie. Noted," he said, sounding a little impressed.

Charlie just smiled and reached over to grab River's hand, and he held hers back tightly. Insulting anybody wasn't okay, it wasn't very nice. He didn't know why people wanted to cause problems all the time, but it was times like these where he wasn't so sure he minded. In the end, Charlie was Charlie, and she carried their babies inside of her. He'd defend her for as long as it took to make sure she was okay, because stress for any pregnant female was bad.

"Is it wrong to call that the highlight of my day?" Adrian asked as they made their way to lunch, Charlie rolling her eyes a little at him.

"It's only half over." River pointed out.

"Yeah but I'm pretty sure that's gonna be the highlight. If something better happens I'll be shocked."

Charlie liked lunch. She got to sit with Adrian and River, and eat, and just relax away from classes for half an hour.

She didn't like what that girl had said in the hallway, earlier, but she knew better than to get frustrated or angry over it. All she'd do is hurt herself and the babies. So it was better to just ignore all the staring and occasional things being said. Charlie wasn't expecting River to go off though, and apparently neither was Adrian, both of them being pretty surprised.

She liked it though. She liked the fact that River stuck up for her against what people said. It was a nice feeling. So she was content to sit at the edge of the bench at the booth beside River, both of them eating as Adrian settled for warping the spoon he'd grabbed off Charlie's tray. Now that he'd been sleeping better, his telekinesis seemed to be under better control, and he was back to using it as random times whenever he needed.

Charlie's thoughts were cut short though when a blonde girl slid into the seat across from all of them, glancing at River and Adrian before she focused her attention on Charlie and smiled a little. The girl was clearly a Nether, but Charlie had no idea why she was just there, all of a sudden.

"Hi," the girl said, shifting a little in her spot and leaning forward a little. "Sorry, if this is weird, but I just wanted to ask you, about...." She trailed off, gesturing toward Charlie's stomach instead as Charlie caught on and nodded.

"Oh, right. Yeah, that's fine. What about it?"

"Well, I mean, what's it like? It's pretty much common knowledge that we don't usually find our mates this young, so how's the whole thing been going?" the girl asked.

Charlie paused at that, thinking to herself for a second as she tilted her head a little.

"It's been alright. Really uncomfortable, for the most part," she said with a small shrug. The girl nodded, seemingly in an understanding way.

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