7 minutes in hell

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Authore's note: we worked really hard on the picture for this chapter. watch hitojime my hero now its witerally hwitting da gwiddy and is up there on the best amines list, 11 out 0f 10 would recommend forcings you're wife to watch it.


When you arrive at tom's house the driveway is empty, though the car may be in the garage. You knock on the bright neon black door to no answer. You hear distant sounds of arguing upstairs. You think to yourself I'm going to knock harder and then you knock harder.

This time Tom appears at the top of the staircase. You wonder where the door went. 

"Uh.. hello?" He says, startled that you are at his door at 3AM. 

"Hi tom~" You say.

Tom'a pupils shrink as he sees you there. You think back to that tiktok trend where your pupils expand when they see something you love and are slightly offended. He stands nervously at his perch as does a mother bird.

"Uh, hey. What are you doing here?" He says.

"I'm mad at my wife and your the first one I thought to come to," You say sadly. "also you're the only one who lives near my house."

Tom chuckles, but still has a feeling that something is off. "What did your wife do to make you mad?" He asks innocently. He leans on the railing, waiting for an explanation.

"She cheated on me." You say. Tom goes silent.

His eyes widen and you can almost hear his heart skip a beat from here. 

Surprisingly, he confesses. "She cheated on you with m-me..." you are suprised by his bluntness.

"i know...." you exclaim.

"Uh-  please dont hate me...." HE says, trying to explain his case. "she really wanted it... no, please listen! I swear it was all her idea, I only did it because she wanted too." He reaches out and grabs your arm when you try to pull away, then drops his gaze to the floor as if expecting to be yelled out. you stare at him angrily until he resumes talking.

"Look, please, I want you to know that I regret doing it now. It was a mistake, I promise you that. It won't ever happen again..." He tries to sound convincing, but he knows he is in the wrong.

"im not... mad at you." You scream at a whisper volume.

(im sorry)

"R-r-r-r-r-r-r- ruh roh raggy really? Your not mad at me?" Tom had this confused look at his face. You got the feeling (inside your bones. it goes electric wavy when i turn it on)  that he thought you were not just going to be angry but alpha wolf rage.

"Tom are you a homosexual and/or a heterosexual?? In other words do you have a wife and or husband??" Its an uncontrollable reaction you to the way he thinks of you.

Tom sighs in relief and answers you honestly "Yuh fam I actually do have a wife."  He looked worried and hoped that you would not feel the urge to tell his wife. For some unexplainable reason.

"How long have you been legally marries?"

"About two years ago. We just celebrated our anniversary last month!" He smiles at this thought but that smile was turned upside down quickly at the thought of Aliyah. He realized what he had now done to your relationship with Aliyah.

"Have you ever cheated with someone else, before Aliyah?" You frow at the thought of this woman you once called your wife.

Tom looks away feeling ashamed for his actions. "Yes unfortunately she wasn't the first one." He knows that he is wrong for admitting this to you, but he feels no shame.

"How many? How many times..?"

"Probably around for five times." Tom said this slowly like he was trying hard to count them off in his head. He still cant believe he is telling you the details of his affair, but he doesn't care. He cant keep these secrets in for any longer.

"Do you, love her? Your wife that is, not Aliyah." You can hear Tom's heart skip a beat which makes you assume he has a medical condition. 

"Uh no. I understand that this is wrong, but she's no longer my type." He looked down a his Air Force Ones. He knows what he just said.

"What is your type Tom?" You ask, hoping he would give a description of you.

Tom swallows hard. Thinking of a way to tell you without it coming at as rude. And then he says "I've always been into brunets." He looks at you, smiling lightly. He probably has a crush on you telling from his attraction to brunets. 

"I-I-I-I'm brunet.." You say as a light pink dust falls onto you ears. Toms eyes widen at this. He begins to imagine the two of you together but quickly clears those thoughts off and looks at you.

"Wait really? You're really brunet, just like me?" He seems amused by this coincidence. He's dumb.

"Tom. We've beeen friends since high school." You think back to his possible medical condition. Maybe a symptom is lack of ability to see hair colors..

He thinks deeply about this fact. "Yah, that's right. We met in tenth grade right? We were in the same science class." He looks at you with a smile remembering the good old days. You smile back. 

Suddenly the front door fly's opening. Your wife Aliyah walks inside. She has a grocery bag in her hands and she sighs loudly. "Tom, Len from Miku. Are one of you upstairs?" She doesn't really expect you to answer but try's anyways.

You grab tom by the left arm because Jesus is left handed and the right hand is only for Rainbowdash and pull him into the closet. 

This is like 7 minutes in Heaven.


Authore's note: this was not fun to write. please don't take to the jesus comment I'm so sorry but its funny to us sooo. also go watch hitorigime my hero there is NOT a 12 year age gap.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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