Fatima: Okay, I see you take me as a fucking joke. So ima show you better than I can tell you.

Fatima hangs up.

Zac: You good?

Fatima: One second

Fatima calls Ty

Ty: What's word?

Fatima: It's Ray, he's not dead.

Ty: Wait what?

Fatima: I said he's not dead.

Ty: But how?

Fatima: That's what tf I wanna know.

Ty: What you want me to do?

Fatima: Gather everyone and meet me in the alley over on 90

Ty: Gotcha.

Fatima hangs up

Zac: What is it?

Fatima: Long story short, I was in a relationship with this guy and things got crazy. And my crew had to off him, well at least that's what I thought. So I guess he's out for revenge and he's coming after the people I love.

Zac: When you say things got crazy, what exactly do you mean?

Fatima: He beat me to the point of almost killing me. I was in the hospital for weeks, with broken ribs, bones, bleeding in my brain, I mean it was so bad that the doctors didn't think I would survive. So my crew went to kill him but I guess the mf survived it.

Zac: Well he's about to be dead when I get to his ass. I can't stand a bitch ass nigga, who put his hand on a female. I don't give af no female deserves that. So ima make sure I lay his ass where his standing.

Fatima: Oh he definitely about to be dead when I'm done with his ass.

Fatima pulls up in the alley and shortly after the crew and Zac crew pulls up.

Ty: So what's the plan?

Fatima: If I'm not mistaken he's supposed to be dead. So what I wanna know is, how the fuck this nigga still breathing?

Ty: I thought he was dead.

Fatima: Did y'all make sure the nigga was dead?

Ty: I mean-

Fatima: You don't have to answer it, because by the look on your face, I already know the answer.

Ty: What you want us to do?

Fatima: Call in the females.

Ty: I got the perfect girls for the job.

Fatima: Call them in and keep y'all ears to the street. And Ima go pay his mom a visit.

Ty: Ti

Fatima: Don't say nothing just do ask I said please.

Ty: Aight bet.

Fatima: Y'all please be safe. I can't risk losing anyone else.

Ty: We gotcha sis.

Fatima: I'll hit your phone in a hour.

Ty: Gotcha!

They got back in the car and drove off. 20 mins later Fatima pulls up at Rays mom house and went and knocked on the door.

Knock knock knock

Ms.Glory: Who's there?

Fatima: It's Fatima

Ms.Glory: Oh hey Fatima, come on in.

Fatima: Hey Ms.Glory, How have you been?

Ms.Glory: I've been good, and yourself?

Fatima: I've been better.

Ms.Glory: I haven't seen you in a while

Fatima: I just got back in town

Ms.Glory: And who is this handsome man

Fatima: This is my fiancé Zac, baby this is Ms.Glory.

Ms.Glory: Nice to meet you Zac.

Zac: You as well.

Ms.Glory: So how long are you here for?

Fatima: Only for a couple days, I had to come take care of some things.

Ms.Glory: I see. So how's everyone?

Fatima: Okay enough with the small talk. Where's your son?

Ms.Glory: He's dead, you know that.

Fatima: So you lying for him?

Ms.Glory: I'm not.

Fatima: Ms.Glory your son is very much alive, but you already knew that. He took my best friend and killed her husband. See Ms.Glory I study body language and the moment you saw my face, your whole demeanor told me everything that I needed to know. Now ima ask you again, Where tf is Ray at?

Ms.Glory: I'm telling you, I don't know. I haven't seen nor talked to him.

Fatima phone rings.

Fatima: One second!

Fatima: Hello!

Unknown person: I got eyes on him.

Fatima: Okay, so what's going on?

Unknown person: The girl looks pretty beaten up. He has two men at the front entrance, two in the back, A sniper on the roof, and three men on the inside.

Fatima: Where is he now?

Unknown person: 18th street

Fatima: Aight bet. Keep your eyes on him, and when I say move, be ready.

Unknown person: Gotcha boss.

Fatima hangs up

Zac: Baby what's wrong?

Fatima: Come on, we gotta go.

They got up and headed towards the door.

Fatima: Oh yea Ms.Glory, when you see your son, tell him that I said checkmate. ( shoots her in the head )

They left and headed to the spot. She calls the crew.

Ty: What's word?

Fatima: Meet me on the corner of 18th and I need somebody over at his mom house for clean up.

Ty: Gotcha

She called the others and let them know. 10 mins later they all pulled up at the corner.

Fatima: You got the girls?

Ty: They right here.

Toya: What you need us to do?

Fatima: I need y'all to pull up in the front and act like the car broke down. Those two men at the front entrance, distract them. Joe, Dre, and Tee I need y'all to take out the ones in the back, Shooter and killer I need y'all to make y'all way on the inside and take them out. But don't touch him, I want him for myself. Dre, Rick, and Mike, I need y'all to take out the ones in the front. And G, Ty, y'all with Zac and I. And I got more across the street and surrounding areas.

Everybody: Aight gotcha.

Fatima: Well it's go time.

They split up and did as told. And Fatima phone rings!

Fatima: You came to your senses yet?

Ray: You'll never find me.

Fatima: You sure about?

Ray: Postive!!

Fatima: Well I guess you forgot who the fuck I was.

Ray: Nah I didn't forget, I know exactly who you are.

Fatima: I wouldn't be so sure about that.

Ray: Oh i'm positive.

Fatima: Well I'll see you on the other side.

Fatima sent a text out letting everyone know it's go time. Next thing you know, bodies started dropping. And Fatima, Zac, Ty, and G made their way inside.

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