Chapter 1

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Nala Verest woke up in her plain, old bed, she pushed herself to get out of it in the morning, as usual. Today was the day she was going to move from Khielin in California, to Lumberton with her father, all the way in Alaska! Nala was a sixteen year old girl, she had black hair, black eyes, pale skin, thin eyebrows, and cold blushy cheeks. Nala was quite a peculiar girl, she didnt have any real friends, but it wasn't like she was hated or anything, she just didnt find anyone that interesting to be her friend. "Nala! Get changed, and get in the car! Or you will be late for your flight.''Nala's mother, Karline said. Nala changed into a white silk shirt, with some flared black jeans. Nala didnt exactly want to move to Alaska, but maybe she would fit in with the people there a bit more, since she was pale, and didnt look like a California local at all. Nala headed downstairs with her luggage, the floorboards of the stairs creaked, they were nearly breaking. But she made it down safely, and saw her mother outside in the car. She opened the door, and got in the car. "So are you excited to move to Lumberton, all the way in Alaska?''Her mother said. "Yeah, alot.''Nala said as convincingly as possible. Eventually they arrived at the airport, and Nala stepped out of the car. "I'm gonna miss you.''Her mother said, "I'll miss you too mom.''Nala said, walking into the airport. She put other headphones to try and take her mind off of the loudness of the airport.

Nala went through a ton of security stuff, and eventually just sat down on the floor, waiting for the plane to board. Eventually, it was time to board the plane. Nala stood up, and walked towards the plane boarding line. After about thirty minutes of waiting, it was her turn to board the plane, she walked into the plane, and just hoped she would be out of it soon.

After a long wait, the plane had arrived. She stepped out of it, and saw her dad waiting for her outside of the airport she had landed in. "Nala! It's been so long!''Nala's father, Lane said while pulling her into a hug. Nala felt a bit awkward, but brushed off the feeling. "Hey dad, I missed you too.''She said, her dad started walking towards their car, an old red truck, the type that never breaks no matter what. Nala got in the car and put on her seatbelt. Her dad began to drive home, he wasn't a very talkative man so he didnt say anything in the car unlike Nala's mother.

Eventually, they arrived. It was the same house Nala grew up in, even if she only lived there for three years before her mother left and took Nala with her. Nala's father opened the door to the house, it was an old house, mainly made out of wood. The floorboards creaked a little as you walked on them, but not as much as her home back in California. She walked up the staircase to her room, it was fairly different then from when she was a kid. Her walls were painted white, they used to be yellow. There were some band posters on the wall above her bed, there used to be none. Her bed was now white, with green bed sheets, before her bed was yellow. She had a wooden desk, near the window, before it wasnt there. Lastly there was a fluffy white carpet laid out on the floor, there wasn't one before.

Nala loved her new room, so she began to unpack her clothes into the wardrobe near her desk. She unpacked her shirts, her pants, her shorts, then her jackets. Nala noticed that on the roof of her room, there was a little opening to the attic. Of course she was curious and wanted to see what was in the attic. But she decided to not let her curiosity overtake her. Nala looked up at the clock on her wall, it was already ten in the afternoon! She needed to go to sleep, she had school the next day. So she changed into her pyjamas, they had little drawings of trees on them, and got into her bed. Although, while she was trying to fall asleep she couldn't stop staring at the little opening on her room's roof to the attic, she was just so curious! Eventually, looking at the roof made her tired, and she fell asleep.

The next morning she woke up at six thirty in the morning, even though school was only at seven thirty and she lived ten minutes away from it, walking. She changed into a white shirt, that turned slightly grey over the years, and a pair of brown flared cargo jeans. After that, she began to pack her bag she packed in her laptop, a notebook, a pencil case, an extra pencil, her headphones, and a sketchbook. Soon after packing, she went downstairs and made herself some eggs, her dad was never awake at this time so he never cooked for her. After having her breakfast, she left the house, but she didnt feel like walking so she grabbed her old skateboard, which was probably infected with mould, and rode it to school instead.

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