Everyone knows

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Fuck this girl is either going to break my heart so bad or be the love of my life. That really did get a lot of relief off my chest.

Jake was right.

I pull her in for a hug I put my head in her neck.

"I want to always be here for you" she says

" I want am here for you" I say looking back at her.
I'm just going to do it. I have to this may be the only perfect time.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I ask stuttering a bit.

" yes!" She says as her eyes light up and a smile grows on her face.

I grab her face and start to kiss her. And again as before she starts rubbing her tongue at the entrance of my lips, I let her in and we both start to explore each other's mouths. She pushes me over on my back and gets on top of me.

" I love your lips" she says licking hers.

" I love your lips too"

I end up flipping her to her back and I get on top of her. We get back to making out and I slowly start kissing down to her neck. She lets out soft moans as I'm biting on her neck. I the stop and look at her.

" we should get ready Tara and Jake will be back" I say with a smirk

"I didn't even know they left" she says giggling pulling me back in for one more kiss before she gets up.

Y/n pov:

What even just happened. Omg Tara will flip when I tell her this. I get up to go put pants on since we will be streaming. I think Johnnie say we will be doing a q&a I'm so nervous.

"Hey ummmm" Johnnie says walking over to me

"What?!" I say thinking something is wrong.

He pulls my hair off my neck and looks

"You have a hickey...."

"Goddamn it Johnnie" I say playfully pushing him.

"I guess that just means I have definitely claimed you" he says.

I mean he's right. I cannot believe I have a boyfriend now. And it's Johnnie Guilbert. My heart is screaming.

We go into the living room and cuddle up on the couch waiting for everyone else to get back, I'm scrolling through instagram and I see that Johnnie had added 3 new photos 2 hours ago. I go to look at them.

The first one is of me... it was him pushing me on the swing at the park. That's so cute I didn't know he did that. The second one is last night on the couch with him holding me. And the last one was a picture of us holding hands I think it was this morning when we woke up. I cannot believe he posted these. They are very risky posting these when no one knows.

The caption said

" she has eyes and a smile that can light up the sky"

that is too damn cute.

I go and look at the comments and Jake had left a comment: "get that girl"

I didn't realize how supportive are friend actually was. A lot of the other comments were " you have a girlfriend?" "Are they together?" " they are so cute" "maybe they are just friends?" People will find out quick.

"Johnnie that's so sweet" I say turning my phone to him.

"I just wanted to show you off a bit" he says poking my nose.

I liked the post and left a black heart emoji in the comments and powered off my phone.

I curl up closer to him and just close my eyes for a bit wile he holds me.

I guess I fell asleep because I wake up to the sound of Jake and Tara talking to Johnnie. He was still holding me on the couch how he was before and I look around.

" hey sleepyhead did you sleep good" Tara says laughing

"I didn't even know I fell asleep" I say rubbing my eyes

"You guys ready to get started" Jake says referring to recording.

We get up and all stand on the opposite side of the island and start the stream.

Tara's pov:

I love the way that y/n has changed mentally since being here. Her and Johnnie's relationship has grown so much they seem so happy. I can't wait to see them get together.

We wait for a minute until more people start to join Jake and Johnnie are in the back goofing off with each other like they always do. You get them two together and something dumb is going to happen.

" hey guys it's me Tara yummy"

"And Jake!" Jake says popping in

" I'm here too dont worry" Johnnie says

"Here is my bestfriend y/n" I say pulling her in y/n gives a shy wave and a smile.

"We are going to be doing a q&a so start asking away" Jake says

I read off some" Jake how is your music going?"

Jake:" actually Johnnie and I have a new song coming out that we are doing together so stay tuned for that "

Tara:" y/n where are you from?"

Y/n:" Ohio but now here" she says very awkwardly

Tara:" Johnnie they want to know about your instagram post?" I say in question.

Johnnie:" all that information is right there" he says smirking at the camera.

Tara:" is that a hickey?" "On who I dont see one" we all look around. I see y/n being weirder and fixing her hair.

Tara:" y/n! You?" I say pulling her off camera and following.

Y/n:" yes" she whisper's.

I help her try and cover it more before walking back into shot.

Tons more questions come through and we are about to end it

Jake:" alright thank you guys so much we love you all"

The chat starts asking almost the same question. So Jake reads it aloud.

"Johnnie who's all going to your show with you in a few months?"

Johnnie:" well I don't necessarily know right now but I'd say for sure my girlfriend" he says pulling y/n
closer to him with his arm around her.

Tara:" well you heard it here that's his girlfriend" she says smiling and coming to hug her.

"Congratulations I'm happy for you guys" I say to them

The chat starts blowing up and we end it there.

🫶🏻 yayyy they are together now! thank you again for reading let me know what all you would like to happen and I'll be posting again here soon!

Word count: 1809

Broken at the seams Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang