My phone ringed. The screen showed, Nanu calling.

I smiled, "Hello Mr. Vyas, how are you doing? "
"I am perfectly fine Ms. Shekhawat, what about you?"
" Well I am happy here. The atmosphere, the people, the place everything is according to me, so yes I am quite happy." I said in one go.

"I agree with the atmosphere and place part but, Ma'am would you mind telling, actually how many people you deal with. In the name of people you are dealing just Ramu and maybe Suresh. Apart from them you won't talk to human kind there I guess." This time he said in one go copying my tone.

"Is this what you called me for!?" I asked.

"No, but you gave one such statement that I had to correct it."

"Okay, my bad, now tell me, why did you call? "

"Dakshika, after 5 days it's the auspicious day. The village will be celebrating, and I want you to visit the temple that day itself."

Author's Pov:

" Okay. If you want me to visit the temple on that very day then, I will."
Dakshika said.

"Hmm. And yes, please give yourself the much needed break, okay? " Gyaan Vyaas tried to make her understand.

"You know very well that I can't give myself a break, but yes I'll give myself some time for sure. I know my priorties Nanu." She said trying to assure him.

After talking about some other casual things she cut the call.

She sighed and stood up. Walking towards the window, she looked outside to see the dusk. It looked ethereal. Her eyes stared at the ssetting sun, her hands folded.

At that moment, the reddish orange light of the setting sun fell on her face. She looked mesmerizing. Her skin tone blended well with the light.

Someone else was also captivated by this view. Akshar who came on his room's window to feel some fresh air saw Dakshika standing on the window.

Once his eyes fell there, he was unable to move them. But soon his thoughts made him divert his eyes.

He wondered how can he be mesmerized by outer beauy. After all its just a facade.

Akshar's Pov:

Although she looked captivating, but that doesn't decide whether she is as such on the inside too, maybe the outer is just a facade to hide the inner.

Or is she the same on the inside too? Maybe her outer beauty relflects the inner beauty, maybe she is like clear water, same on the inside and outside. But I don't think so that's right. After all such are girls are not found

I don't know her yet and so though I feel captivated by her, yet I need to control myself.

I don't know why but I want to know. I want to decide which one of my assumptions are right. And somewhere I want the latter one to be true.

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. I glanced at her one last time, before moving to see who is it.

In front of me stood Nidhi with her one hand and the other raised, probably to knock again.

"Oh! Dadi bhai is here. Wait let me handover the call to him. " Saying this she handed the phone to me.

I took it and said, " Khambaghani dadi. How are you?"

"I am fine beta, how are you?"
"I am good. Do you want to tell me something? "

"Yes, Ashu the thing is that one week later you have to go to the temple for prayer, hope so you remember it. So, I called you to inform you the day and tell you to take care of yourself and those monkeys with you." She said in one go.

"Yeah sure, dadi I will, don't worry. And yes I remembered that I have to visit the temple. Anything else? " I asked.

"No, that's it. Take care, beta. Bye."
"Ji." I said, and the line went blank.

I handed the phone back to Nidhi.
"Bhai, are we planning to spend the rest of the days caged in this palace? Please don't say yes. The only reason I came here is that I want to revisit the places which I loved in my childhood."

I shook my head, " As you wish Nidhi. You can go along with those two but I can't be sure about me being involved in the plan." I said being doubtful whether I'll be able to accompany them or not.

She sighed but agreed nonetheless.
" Okay then you continue with your work. I am going out to roam in the village and find people to talk." She said being all excited.

All of us have different personalities, Nidhi being the social butterfly. Aware that this was coming, I again nodded without saying anything.

She turned around and hurriedly crossed the corridor. I closed the door and went back to the balcony. When I glanced at the haveli, I saw Ms. Skye was on the bed now, her eyes closed.

I started at her for a few seconds before moving back to the room. I came back with my laptop and settled on the swing in the balcony.

My eyes again went to her sleeping figure, but she wasn't there now. Wait! How can someone possibly sleep and wake up so quickly.

But then I saw her sitting in the garden, looking at the sky. And I got confused which of them is more mesmerizing. The beautiful sunset, or this certain girl with blue eyes.

I don't know, but I guess I am too disturbed. I don't get distracted by girls. Although I can't say that she isn't the most beautiful girl I have ever seen but still, she isn't the only beautiful girl I have seen either. So, it's quite weird if I am attracted to her.

So, that's not possible. A girl can't attract Akshar Rathore so easily. Might be something which I don't know.

Ugh!! Stop it now, Akshar focus on your work. You need to look after this project. I averted my eyes from there and started focusing on my work.

It's decided, I won't be looking ger way from now onwards. Things are getting weird and out of my control, and I hate when things don't go my way.

She can go to hell now, I don't care.

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