|| CHAPTER 8 - To The Death ||

Start from the beginning

"Have any washed up alive?" Uhtred asked, looking out at the sea, some bodies still floating as dark masses in the water.

"Not on my beach." The Saxon grinned darkly; his yellowed teeth put on full display. "Gods taken hundreds of the bastards. Though it's said hundreds more have landed safely, further up the shore....Friends of yours?"

"They are friends to no one." Signe said as Uhtred took up the reigns. "Stop picking over corpses and take your families to safety."

»»———-  ———-««

The last thing Signe would have wanted to see as she walked through the door to Uhtred's house, when worn out and aching, was the bare, hairy arse of the farmstead manager. And yet that is the sight she was met as she stepped inside.

"By God, girl, better than barely!" Oswald cried out as he thrust messily into the young woman beneath him. "Better than barley!"

Not wanting to get even a step closer, Signe stayed right by the doorway as Uhtred stalked further into his bedchamber, his anger palpable.

He had been going mad during their journey, thinking only of seeing his wife and child and he had returned to find Oswald taking advantage of his absence instead.

The girl caught sight of Uhtred and Signe winced as her piercing screams filled the room. The man, perhaps thinking his prowess was causing cries of pleasure, kept going until the girl started to hit out against his chest.

When he did look behind him, he practically fell off the side of the bed as he scrambled to pull down his tunic and cover himself.

Uhtred stood still in his overwhelming fury.

Signe watched him carefully, not entirely sure that he wouldn't draw his sword on Oswald for the slight.

"Lord! Lord! Forgive me Lord, it's never happened before, I swear it'll never happen again." He cowered on the bed next, inclining his head towards his reluctant companion. "It was the girl's idea."

"It was not!" Her round eyes widened, affronted by the claim.

"Where is my wife?" Uhtred asked. He sounded calm and that was what worried Signe most.

The girl did not appreciate the weight of his anger and ignored his question, attempting to defend herself once more. "It was not my idea at--"

Signe heard him draw his blade before she saw it.

"Where is my wife and child?"

"Wait! Wait! Lord!" Oswald held out a desperate hand, eyeing the weapon in terror. "She's with Lord Odda the Younger."


Uhtred's hand dropped to his side, the name hitting him like a blow.

Signe went to his side, not liking the direction the conversation was going in. The involvement of a man they both detested, was only going to stoke his distress into a frenzy.

"Yes, Lord." The man confirmed, looking to Signe pathetically, as if she might be urged to step in and help him. "He took the lady and your son. She went willingly, Lord, to protect the child."

Uhtred's head was knocked back as he took in what Oswald had said. Signe gaped up at him, her heart set to burst at the news.

Not long ago, almost their entire family had been slaughtered and then they had been separated from those who remained to them, but now there was a new life. Someone else to love.

Someone else to lose.

"My son?" He asked it like he couldn't quite believe it.

Oswald panted, a shaky smile appearing as he realised, he could impart some good news and perhaps make Uhtred look on him more kindly. "Yes, Lord, you have a son. Handsome little man he is. Looks like his father."

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