"You know I am not greedy." She heard him say and nodded her head when he looked at her.

"And you know that Suryadeep cannot handle the work." He said and she nodded again,"Then why is he doing all this?"

"Everyone knows who is capable and who is not Yudhishthir and why is he doing all this , I don't know. But you should not take to much stress. Okay?" She tried to make him understand.
"Not take stress, how? That man is selling his properties and is after Abhay's. He is trying to buy shareholders and doing all the nonsense then how I should not take stress?" He asked and closed his eyes in frustration.

"Don't mind him Yudhishthir. I have talked with dad and papa. They will surely do something and Abhay bhaiya also favours you in all this." She comforted him.

"I don't want to drag Abhay in all this." He sighed and held her hand in his. After few minutes Ruhi was about to stand up but he stopped her and said,"please." She raised her eyebrows in question and placed his head on her lap .

He was tired.

For a second Ruhi was shocked and forgot to breath but very next second she started massaging his head. Yudhishthir closed his eyes and felt little relief. He rubbed his nose over her stomach and she felt zoo inside there. She bit her lip to stop moaning.

"Yudhishthir why you always fight with me?" She complained in a slow baby voice and he pushed his face more into her stomach making her feel excited.

"Because you are a kid and you love doing childish activities." He answered her and again that kid word made her remember Ishani's words and Abhay's conversation with her.

Her posture stiffened and Yudhishthir understood something was wrong. He pulled himself back and looked at her, who was busy gazing at the wall. Lost in her thoughts.

"What's wrong?" He snapped his fingers in front of her face and she came to reality,her face shocked.

"No..thing." She stammered and tried to stand up but Yudhishthir held her arm and she bit her lips trying to avoid an eye contact.

"Speak." He ordered her and she took a deep breath and spoke,"Heir, you need an heir Yudhishthir?"

Yudhishthir was too surprised to speak further. He knew that heir was important for him to secure his position but not compulsory. He was himself enough to handle everything right now.

"You took Ishani's words seriously." He made her face him but she shook her head and spoke,"I knew it from before. Mom told me about all this when I went to home." She skillfully lied making Yudhishthir believe her. She didn't want Yudhishthir to bash out on Abhay for not reason. Yudhishthir nodded and told her,"You are too Young to carry a baby right now. Understood? Now listen to me carefully, heir is important for us but not compulsory, right now. Your husband is capable of managing all this."

She nodded and he patted her shoulder before he stood up and walked out of the room. Those words comforted Ruhi a bit, not fully. She was still stressed out. She knew that Yudhishthir was trying to press the fact of having a child because of her age. But she thought of something and made up her mind to check of the plan she had thought of.

                           R U H I

"It's mine and your secret. Okay?" I warned Himanshi nth time and she nodded boringly. I sighed and closed my eyes trying to calm my nervous mind.

"Bro, you are just wasting time in all this. Listen me, take a needle and make few holes in condom's packet. Done." She carelessly shrugged her shoulder and I hit her on her back making her wince,"I was just suggesting." She mummered and I rolled my eyes.

Heartless LoveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin