Chapter 12 - Making Wise Decisions

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They might be bats, possibly dolphins, or some other organisms that communicate using ultrasonic sounds, undetectable by human ears.

They're probably not dolphins, though... This is not the lost city of Atlantis, and I am not a mermaid. Ransford would make a very convincing dolphin with his mischievous grin, silver-sheened brown hair and smooth lines. 

Alaric is definitely a praying mantis. He has that whole 'I'm going to eat you alive while I stare into your eyes' vibe going very convincingly. The man would be a highly skilled praying mantis. A gorgeous one.

Whatever their technique may be, they communicate beyond my hearing frequency. About 20 minutes ago, when we entered the office, Ransford merely looked at Alaric, which caused the stoic man to frown in a forebodingly dark way, and then they took off. Not so much as a word was spoken that I could hear. Perhaps they can do the same mind-speaking tricks as the woman who warned me about the evil intentions lurking around me. 

Being alone is not really fun right now. I keep my eye on every corner of the office, watching out for shadows breaking away from other shadows while I try to work on my laptop. I wish I had eyes like a chameleon that can turn independently in every direction. I would've been able to work and look at the bookshelf behind me, making sure it didn't suddenly slide open, bringing me an unwanted visitor.

I wonder if Ransford is ratting me out to his brother and telling him all about my nasty habit of getting lost in the forbidden corridors and about my fanciful story of a scary woman with burning yellow eyes. So, instead of running to my room and having a much-desired shower to rid my body of hidden cobwebs and my brain of holes drilled by piercing tiger eyes, I patiently wait in the office to hear my punishment or be scolded. I'll probably be glared at with eyes that boil my soul much more pleasantly than the woman's eyes scorched through my brain.

"No, I'm not just sitting here because I'm too scared to return to my room!"

Yes, I am. I'm just sitting here because I'm too afraid to return to my room. I don't feel safe anymore. Hidden tunnels? Really?! What kind of garbage is that? I've looked behind me ten times in the last minute. I could turn around and face the other way, but then I'd be looking behind me again, just in the direction that is now the front. Logistically, it is not possible for there to be a hidden tunnel behind me... the second-floor hallway is over there... I think...

"Logistics are irrelevant in this place!"

 Are there any secret tunnels leading into my bedroom? What if there are more creepy people with cryptic messages hanging around waiting to have a nice little chat with me while digging their nails into my collarbone? It still burns! The skin is broken... and itchy!

I try to tell myself over and over that I probably imagined the woman. I mean... come on! Where did she even come from?!

"Yes, the wall! That's right! Very comforting! Thank you for reminding me!"

Did she mean me harm, though? She was a bit too strong to resist when she pushed me towards the nearest wall and those horrible talons of hers... but she talked about my salvation and safety, and I think she meant it very literally and physically, not just spiritually. She definitely did not mean the safety of my mental health because she told me to stay close to Alaric! Alaric, for crying out loud!

"I don't want to!"

I don't feel safe around him! He makes me so nervous. This morning, when I was sitting here having my coffee, I nearly sprouted a coffee nose fountain each time he glanced my way or made a sound. The man has a way of getting on my nerves just by existing. It is as if my entire being is sharply focused on his every move. He invades my thoughts, my heart, my very breath.

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