𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟶𝟶𝟸𝟹: 𝙷𝚎 𝙶𝚘𝚎𝚜 𝙸𝚏 𝚂𝚑𝚎 𝙶𝚘𝚎𝚜

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Jennie looked at him lightly and smiled seemingly.

"First Elder, why do you like telling people to kneel so much? Do you really think that everyone else's knees are as soft as yours?

"You! You!" First Elder was so angry until his chest felt tight as his face reddened with anger. This Jennie is really too arrogant!

She dares to use that tone to talk to me like this repeatedly! Krystal at the side immediately went up to help the First Elder and comforted him.

"First Elder, don't be angry. It's not good for your body. Sister, s-she might have done it on impulse... Sister, hurry up and apologize to First Elder and Officer Zhao." She looked at Jennie anxiously as if she was really thinking for her sake.

"Krystal! Don't stand up for her. This evil, unfilial creature is heartless! If not, she wouldn't do such a thing," hollered First Elder as his blood boiled even more.

Jennie's eyes turned slightly cold as she raised her brows and asked,

"First Elder, if I'm an evil, unfilial creature, then what is everyone in the Chu family? Don't forget that I'm the Kim family's eldest daughter. Besides,
I would like to know what exactly I did to infuriate First Elder."

The same blood was flowing in their bodies.

This kind of humiliation would implicate the entire Kim family. First Elder was instantly at a loss for words; he was so furious that his body started shaking.

"How dare you have the cheek to say that? You actually sold the Crown Prince's hunting ground to Zhen Bao Pavilion privately; half of Imperial City
knows about it now!"

The hunting ground that the Crown Prince took meticulous care of became someone else's overnight. He was even rejected at the door on the day of his birthday party.

This was way too humiliating!

On the surface, everyone did not dare to talk about this incident that concerned the Crown Prince's reputation. However, it had already spread like wildfire in private. All the distinguished families in the Imperial City knew about it.

One just had to think carefully and would remember that the hunting ground was initially gifted to Jennie by the Emperor.

It was naturally related to Jennie, now that the hunting ground had become part of Zhen Bao Pavilion's possessions.

The Kim family had now become then laughingstock of the Imperial City.

Jennie was instead thinking about how strong Zhen Bao Pavilion's backing must be to embarrass the Crown Prince.

An average person would not even be able to withstand the Crown Prince's authority.

Even if they had the title deed, they would not be able to take advantage of the Crown Prince right in front of him.

It was clear that Kai did not dare to offend Zhen Bao Pavilion.

If she had a chance, she could check up on it secretly... As Krystal thought of this in her heart, her facial expression did not change.

"That hunting ground was originally mine. Do I still need to care about others when I decide what to do with it?" She said it righteously as if she did not think that this incident was wrong in any Way.

First Elder was also taken aback.

Zhao Cheng knitted his brows at the side.

"Big Chu Missy, do you mean that you took the
initiative to sell the title deed?" At first, he thought that Jennie Kim had no brains and was tricked into giving the title deed away.

The Marriage Of An Esteemed Supreme Healer ; A Noble RulerUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum