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((This isn't really a headcanon but I just wanna write this/share this here if that's cool, you can skip this chapter if yall like + maybe uh- random little spoilers? I don't know I'm so sorry- (again I'm so fucking sorry if it's worded badly 💀) but if u read it, I'd like to hear y'all's opinion mby ^^))

So. Koda doesn't have a quirk that can do anything flashy or helpful much in combat. he doesn't have super strength, he cant shoot fire, he cant manipulate elements. what his quirk does is nothing really all that flashy...


So we see that he can control mammals, birds and, during the final exams arc, we've seen him control a variety of insects.

what does this mean? it means his quirk is LITERALLY TOP TIER- (imo and Anivoice prob is alone ig). Well there are millions of different types of insects with their populations reaching in the trillions. koda could overwhelm an entire town with a whole army of animals if he wanted to. but he wont, because thank god he chose to be a hero-

+ he (quite literally) CARRIED Jirou during the final exam test

"Though Koda would be useless in 90% of battles because most crime happens in the city, where there are barely any animals at all" well I assume (and probably is), he's capable in the city too. Since he can control rats, which are known to carry diseases and are also a common animal found in the city.

So- this dude can kinda basically start a PANDEMIC or smth- but yes-

Also, the pro hero team known as the Wild Wild Pussycats were capable pro heroes even though they specialized in mountain rescues. So if koda bases his operations inside a forest or any other place with a variety of wildlife, his pro hero career could actually be sustainable.

Koda can use his quirk on any terrain because animals can be found on any place on earth (im pretty sure and yeah).

even animals can have quirks?- (like Nezu maybe,) so just think of a scenario where not only koda has an army of animals, but an army of animals with QUIRKS- 

So, say if koda was stuck in a survival situation where he's stranded in the middle of the wilderness, his chances of survival would probably be 100% or something along that, because he can just/try to ask the animals not to attack him and show him where food is but it's most likely a possibility of 100% I assume-

So basically, IMO Koda is top tier for sure-

— PS: writing/while writing that, it reminded me of what Aoyama wrote on that rock "Il faut se méfier de l'eau qui dort." Literally, "beware the water that sleeps." Less literally, "still waters run deep," "it's the quiet ones you have to watch out for," "wolf in sheep's clothing," etc. but yea- 🙃 —

((Anygays, idfk but yeah- this is kinda badly worded to me but id

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