Chapter 4: a Contest

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//Time skip//


I walked towards the canteen in school and thought about what happened in the beginning and still felt annoyed because the goth man called me pipsqueak before him.
  "Damn it! Why is my day bad luck!"
I said to myself and I shook my head and tried to forget what happened. I walked towards one of the tables in the canteen and began drawing while eating my apple. And suddenly there was a woman sitting beside me and immediately I was shocked and turned and looked at it and she greeted me kindly.
  "Hi, are you new students here? Nice to meet you, I'm Lucy."
She said friendly and I smiled a little and greeted her back.
  "Yes, I'm a new student here. Nice to meet you to, I'm Y/N."
I said and smiled a little and Lucy returned my smile and Lucy began to talk again.
  "By the way, Y/N. you are a hobby drawing? It's interesting."
She said, she was amazed while looking at my drawing and I answered nervously and embarrassed.
  "Hehe... thank you."
I said a little nervous and smiling awkwardly. And Lucy began talking to me again with a smile.
  "By the way, you want to make a contest about drawing? It would be nice. Do you want to come?"
Lucy said with enthusiasm and I felt very interested in she offer.
  "Of course, it will be fun."
I said enthusiasm and Lucy smiled
  "Wow, that's good. Follow me somewhere ago we took the poster and we spread around the school. Maybe someone wants to participate too than you."
Lucy said with enthusiasm.
  "Good! I can help by installing his poster."
I said and closed my sketchbook and stood up from the canteen bench.
  "Good, follow me Y/N."
Lucy said with enthusiasm and she stood up and I immediately shocked and realized that Lucy was much higher than me.
  "What are you waiting for, let's leave."
Lucy said and walked towards a place while I followed she from behind. A few moments later I saw him walking towards the tip or corner of the school that was rarely visited by students. And there was a door and I realized that there was a door in a corner like this she opened the door and we entered the room. Many cardboard and stacks of posters about the picture contest. And I took one of the posters and read it.
  "By the way Lucy, have you prepared this for how long? Because this poster seems to have started to dusty."
I said curious and Lucy stood at the door and started talking.
  "Hehe, it's been a long time but no one wants to take part in a drawing contest so I put this poster in this warehouse.
She said chuckles and I chuckled too.
  "Haha, I'll display this poster all the whole place in school and I hope someone wants to follow it too."
I said with a smile and took a stack of the poster.
  "Okay, I hope there are many who want to take part in the contest."
Lucy said and smiled warmly and I walked out of the room.
  "Okay Lucy, I'll spread poster about this drawing contest."
I said the spirit and walked away to display the poster while Lucy was still in front of the warehouse door and smiled when she saw me walking away.
  "I hope this can run well."
Lucy whispered on herself and she walked away too. Meanwhile I walked to trace the school hall and displayed this poster in a place that was frequented by students and I also felt very happy. And when I walked while displaying one of the posters in the locker suddenly. There is a hand that holds my wrist that is holding a poster. And immediately I was shocked and turned to see who was holding my hand. And it turned out that the Goth man who had disturbed before him and called me pipsqueak. And he took the poster in my hand and immediately I was very upset and angry.
I said upset and he just kept quiet while reading the poster and immediately I was increasingly annoyed.
I said upset and angry while he was like he didn't care about what I said and he raised him hand so I couldn't reach it and I was increasingly annoyed.
  "Just take it if you can pipsqueak."
He said by installing a mocking face and I was very upset about that. And I tried to take it and approach it. I held the Goth men's shirt and jumped jump and tried to take the poster in him hand. And a few minutes the later he pulled my jacket hood and lifted me into the air and I saw it irritated.
  "Damn, you make me upset pipsqueak."
He said softly and suddenly Lucy came from behind her while installing an angry expression.
Lucy said angry and the Goth man dropped me and immediately I felt a little pain in my head and I stroked my head. And I turned and saw the Goth man walking past Lucy and he walked away. I saw Goths man upset on Lucy and Lucy approached me.
  "Are you okay Y/N?! Are you hurt?"
Lucy said worry and I smiled.
  "I'm fine Lucy, why with the Goth man? Why does he keep bothering me?!"
I said upset and Lucy sighed and explained it.
  "He Peter, he has a bad reputation at this school. And he is always looking for a problem and fighting. He also often disturbs someone without reason and mocking him. I also don't know why he is like that and always disturbs people including us. Maybe you are the following victim?! Who know..."
Lucy explained and I nodded my head.
  "Be careful, Y/N if you are close to him maybe he will hurt you so be alert if he is near you."
Lucy said friendly and I nodded my head.
  "Yes Lucy, thank you for telling me that. I will be more careful around it."
I said and smiled a little.
  "Okay... so I will help you display all these posters."
Lucy said happily and smiled warmly and I nodded my head and we walked along the school hall and put up all the most partly poster. A few minutes passed I finished installing all the posters with Lucy before. And now I'm alone in a park while sitting in one of the school park chairs which is quite far from the crowd of students. I cleared my mind and calmed myself from everything happened before and looking at the beautiful sky. And a few minutes passed I saw Peter from a distance he was smoking and I felt like he didn't realize I was here and I sighed and forgot him existence. Five minutes passed and the bell rang I stood off the bench and walked back to the class. I walked past the hallway and felt strange because the hall was quiet and I felt like someone was following me from behind. And immediately I felt nervous and I turned and looked back and no one and I sighed relieved.
  "Maybe, I started paranoid because it's always alone."
I said to myself and walked back towards the class. A few minutes passed and I arrived at my class. I entered the classroom and sat on the back bench and I took out my sketchbook and began to draw random things. And a few minutes later the teacher entered and her began to explain the temporary lesson I drew a random thing while listening to the teacher explained. A few minutes passed and the bell rang indicating the classroom ended and time came home. I cleared all my books and walked out of the class to my locker. I saw there was TK and Lucy there they were saving books and while chatting. And I decided to greet them.
  "Hi, TK and Lucy. How are you guys."
I said friendly and I opened my locker and put some books into and TK kind of started talking.
  "We are fine Y/N. How about you the first day here. Is everything alright?"
TK said friendly and smiling.
  "Everything went well"
I said and smiled and Lucy began talking to me.
  "By the way, see you tomorrow, Y/N. I go home first."
Lucy said with a smile and she walked away and TK began to talk again.
  "By the way, I'm will going home now, I'll see you tomorrow. Have a nice day."
TK said and smiled and he walked away.
  "See you TK, Lucy."
I waved my hand and they reply. I closed my locker and walked home also my house the not far from here. I walked out of the school area and walked on the sidewalk while thinking of a few things.
  "I hope this friendship lasted long... I hope."
My whispered on myself and immediately I felt a cold and felt like someone followed me from behind and I stopped and felt nervous and I turned quickly back. And no one and I sighed relieved.
  "Looks like I'm too paranoid and think of things bad lately."
I walked home my house while looking at the sun which began to set and looked beautiful. A few minutes passed I arrived at my house and took my house key and opened the door. I turned on the lights and closed the door behind me and locked it. I took my towel and walked to the bathroom and I took a shower. And a few minutes passed and I finished showering and felt very fresh now. I walked to my room and opened my room door and closed the door behind. I opened my wardrobe and took one of the white shirts and I was wearing the white shirt with comfortable shorts. I walked to my leptop desk and I blamed my leptop and pressed my YouTube application. And I see my YouTube account and see everything comment positive comments from my fans. And I smiled a little seeing their comments that liked me. Because I play a creepy and exciting game. I closed my leptop and walked towards my comfortable mattress. I fell into my bed and lay down while looking at the ceiling. I turned and looked at my window and I saw the moonlight entering my room. And I slowly closed my eyes and fell asleep.

(Please read the chapter before it because each other every chapter relates to the storyline and makes it easier for you to understand the storyline this. Thank you already read.)

Emo Peter/YB X Female/YN Reader //Highschool Drama//Where stories live. Discover now