Episode 10, Part 3: Resolution

Start from the beginning

Dean was giggling like a boy in middle school.

"What?" I raised my eyebrows, knowing he was about to say something stupid.

"Squabbles. That is the funniest word, like, ever," he paused to let out a few laughs, "And you said it out loud."

I rolled my eyes in his direction, pretending to be annoyed at his immaturity; when in all honesty, this was the side of Dean I liked best.



After our little conversation, we went to Sam and Dean's motel room so that we could have a chat with the three of us, but, it turned out that we had an unexpected guest show up.

"Hello, Scarlett and Dean. I was just conversing with Sam about your little predicament."

"Oh," Dean sighed with an exasperated tone, "hi, Cas."

Dean and I looked at each other, knowing what was about to come next.

"I'm not here to 'bust your balls,' as Dean would say. I'm actually here to defend you and your prerogative to commit acts of adultery."

"Really?" Dean and I were both baffled.

He nodded once in a robotic manner. "Yes. It has come to my attention that I do not know much about humanity, and that since I have such little knowledge on the subject, I am not in any way qualified to violate your autonomy."

"Wow. Thanks. I'm actually really happy that you decided to be on our side about this," I smiled at Castiel, letting him know that his efforts to make us like him weren't in vain.

"So what are you gonna do about Gabriel? He's the one who had a hissy fit about the thing in the first place." Dean crossed his arms pessimistically.

Then, all of a sudden, Gabriel came into the room by busting through the door, making a dramatic entrance as always.

"Actually, my little bro Castiel gave me a stern talkin' to and I've decided to, within reason, let you guys live your lives."

"Thank God," I sighed.

"-But," Gabriel interrupted, I would like to ask the two of you a couple of questions first. Because, no offense, but I think the two of you are flaming idiots."

"Okay. Shoot." Dean rolled his eyes, knowing that it would probably be better to just suck it up and get through the questions.

"Dean, Scarlett; what will you do if one of you develops feelings for the other?"

I cleared my throat. "That won't happe-"

"Not the question, Scarlett. Answer the question."

"Okay. If one of us were to develop romantic feelings, we would take a break. Obviously," I stated bluntly.

"Are you two sexually exclusive?" Gabriel pried into our minds, trying to stir the pot.

"No," we both answered.

"But," I elaborated, "this act of us having sex is really just putting duct tape on a hole. We're only going to be involved if we have no other options. Neither of us work well when our minds are on other things, and so by eliminating sexual frustration we'll both be better hunters. If each of us have other less sticky options for sex, we'll do that instead."

"Yeah," Dean agreed, "what she said."

Gabriel raised his hands submissively. "Fine. Have it your way; have all the hanky-panky you want. Just don't come crying to me when you two have irreversibly broken the bond you care about so much." And with a snap, he left the room, and Sam and I went back to being ourselves.

"You know," I glanced at Sam, "I'm actually kind of disappointed that you didn't make any jokes about how you were inside of me. You had almost four entire hours and you didn't even crack one."

Sam laughed dryly, not appreciating my sense of humor. Dean, on the other hand, thought my remark was funny.

"I feel like I should apologize for perpetuating an environment up in heaven where your lives are used for entertainment," Castiel said.

"You know," I responded, "I'm not actually that mad about it. It kinda makes me feel important. I mean, they could be watching anyone, but they're watching us. It's like our lives are a show on TV."

Castiel tilted his head confusedly. "Well, I guess that's one way to look at it."


Later that day, we all grabbed beers and watched TV. The four of us bonded, as a group. At least for me, it made me feel like we were a part of something bigger.


Thanks for reading!! So, since I'm on summer break, and am finally finished with the ever-so-hectic senior year, I totally have the time to be updating regularly again! When Natural Meets the Supernatural will update every Monday. And make sure to comment, so that I know that there are people who are still interested!!! Thanks so much, and make sure to check out my other works! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2015 ⏰

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