Seeds In Place

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Within the busy streets of Camden, activity was only just beginning within the home of the Dalmatian family. Breakfast was done and now ninety-nine pups needed to get their teeth cleaned and checked for any health issues, before they can start their day.

"Guys can you please line up in single file, please?" Yelled Dylan, one of the oldest pups called out. "Nobody is playing until you guys get your teeth cleaned and get your check up."

He was attempting to get his younger siblings under control, of course such a task was not easy with so many and the chore was running a bit slow.

"Bow Whacka Wow!!"

Running up the stairs while doing flips was the other oldest pup and sister in house, Dolly. Dylan immediately glared at her upon her arrival.

"Excuse me, you are supposed to be helping getting the pups ready. Dawkins already started since you were taking forever." Dylan scolded.

"Chill bro, I was trying to fix my skateboard for later, gotta go around downtown and work on my moves, and besides you got plenty of help." Dolly said, rolling her eyes and looking at the line of pups.

Herding the pups from behind was their younger gothic brother Dante, who was ensuring none of the youngest pups tried sneaking off while waiting. Dante had eyes like a hawk and was keeping a close look on everyone, while Dawkins in the bathroom, tending to the pups.

"Everyone is here." Dante said.

"See." Dolly pointed out. "You guys got this."

"Still, more paws make light work." Dylan said.

He pushed Dolly into the bathroom while she groaned in annoyance. Some pups were already done, and among one of the first pups who were was a yin-yang patterned puppy who was meditating in the bedroom, Deepak. He was a firm believer of inner peace, balance, and unity. Being prone to anxiety, he held on to the Wow of Miaow, a religion that revolved around the Great Guru Miaow, a special enlightened cat that seemed to speak words of peace and equality among all animals, encouraging them to find their inner cat and therefore inner peace, and enlightenment. The religion was mostly practiced by cats and rarely by other animals, especially dogs. But Deepak was quite entranced by the Wow of Miaow and held onto it's teachings firmly. For him, the old cliche of cats and dogs being enemies was one he had hated since as long as he could remember. Why does such a stereotype exist? What purpose did it serve, other than to cause discord and hate. He wanted to be a good ambassador for dogs with these teachings and practiced what Guru Miaow spoke of daily, mediating on his words and using the recommended calming techniques to help keep peace in the household. It was pretty effective.

"Meow-ow-ow-ow-ow." He chanted.

He was sitting on a yoga mat in the middle of the room in a meditation position.

"Oh Guru Miaow, please grant me inner peace for today and lend me your wisdom. Meow-ow-ow-ow." He calmly said.

Slowly he stood up and stretched out his legs, doing a variety of impressive yoga poses, all while seeming to be in a trance. This was often a morning routine for him to help him prepare mentally for the day. In a house with so many siblings, keeping calm could be difficult, especially for him. The Wow of Miaow was the key to it for him.

Outside the room, Dante was walking by with Dorothy in his mouth, and noticed his younger brother in the room. He quietly walked in, taking great care not startle Deepak. Of course Dorothy was getting antsy from wanting to play, and tried to squirm from Dante's hold, making small barks.

"Dorothy, shhh." Dante whispered through his teeth.

Deepak's left ear twitched slightly hearing the two, though he wasn't disturbed. He held a tree pose for another fifteen seconds before coming back down on all fours, opening his eyes, and turning to face Dante, who placed Dorothy on the floor.

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