10. Feels like a dream

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Y/N's POV:

As we stood in front of the door about to part ways, I nervously started twiddling my fingers as I didn't have enough courage to speak just yet.

"What's on your mind y/n?" I heard him ask in such a calm and sweet tone.

His voice was so gentle I was able to find a small portion of confidence. "Well... I was just wondering if maybe... you'd like to hang out again sometime?" I nervously looked away as I felt my face flush red.

"I would really like that." He said just before tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear causing me to look up at his beautiful face smiling back at me.

From the angle I was standing and how one of the shops light was shining behind him, he looked like a god crafted masterpiece. I felt my knees buckle and my breath shorten as I continued to stare.

I shook my head at the sound of his phone pinging, snapping myself out of a daze and turned my attention towards the door clearing my throat. "We should probably go."

I felt the heat rise in my body. "Why am I feeling like this? What is he doing to me?" I went to open the door but Seungmin beat me to it, holding it open so I could walk out first.

I was so lost in thought of this boy that I didn't even noticed the dark clouds rolling in as it started to pour down rain.

I threw my hood over my head and shielded my face. "I didn't know it was going to rain today." I kinda mumbled to myself as I started to shake in my shoes from not only being wet but from the cold breeze twirling along as the rain came down.

Next thing I knew I felt an arm wrap around my waist, pulling me in close as an umbrella flew open above our heads. I could feel the heat transfer from his body to mine as he was holding me so tightly.

Everything felt like it was going in slow motion. I turned my gaze towards the man holding me as I watched his eye lashes blink open and close so beautifully.

My heart started to rapidly beat against my chest. It honestly felt like I was living my kdrama moment that I have watched and read about and truthfully have always wanted.

"Let me walk you home."

I didn't realize he had already covered his face back up with a mask until I heard him speak and my eyes were draw down to his lips but were met with a black cover instead.

I nervously gulped, not able to form words so I nodded my answer.

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