2. First interaction

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Seungmin's POV:

"Seungminaaaaahh." I looked up from my book to see Jeongin walking over to me with a smile plastered across his face.

"Yes Innie?"

"Let's go get some coffee!" Before I could say anything he grabbed my book and set it down before pulling me off the couch.

"Yah! I was reading that." I quickly grabbed it before he pulled me out of reach.

Not long after we reached the coffee shop of Jeongin's choosing. It was a cute and cozy looking place that didn't seem to have anyone really inside.

"I don't think anyone will recognize us in here." Felix softly said as we all piled inside by the register and he was right. Not one person gave us a second glance. Not that there was really anyone inside to began with.

I looked around taking in the cute aesthetic look it had to offer when I noticed a girl in the corner booth reading a book. I watched as her frown faded into a smile and then turned into laughter as she read. "Cute."

Someone nudged my back causing me to stumble forward. I turned around chuckling as we started to goof off around at the register before ordering our coffees.

I placed my order and took my seat on the other side of the shop still in view of the girl. My eyes would wonder throughout the place but unintentionally would land back down on her.

"Iced americano." I heard the barista call out. I stood up walking to the counter and right as I grabbed the coffee a delicate, tinier hand laced around the cup first. It took me a second before I realized I was holding her hand.

She instantly pulled back apologizing. Our eyes met for a split second before she turned away. I could see her cheeks turning a slight shade of red while I also felt a little flustered. My heart started to flutter as she was even cuter up close.

Her hair was pulled up into a messy bun with a couple of strands flowing free. She was wearing a white hoodie with overalls over it that were cut off into shorts along with black high tops. A comfy yet causal outfit. "Very cute." I thought while a thin smile crept on my face as I watched how nervous she was getting. "I wonder if she knows who we are?"

I tilted my head just a tad. From the looks of it, she seems very shy. My mouth opened to speak so I could introduce myself but she ran out of the coffee shop before I got the chance to say anything. I just shrugged my shoulders not giving it another thought as I grabbed my coffee before making my way back to where all the boys were sitting.

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