~Chapter two~

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~ Ivy ~

!TW! !Strong Language and Violence!


"Why the fuck did you not tell me she was back?"
John was all tensed up. So he poured himself a glass of whiskey.
"She asked me very kindly not to." Tommy replied, smoking his cigarette.
"Yet she's back and your treating her like shit, she was like family to us Tom." John then necked his whole glass of whiskey. So he poured himself another. A small tension began to brew up in the room.
"Yes I did treat her like family, we were fuckin' 15 and 20. Then four years later we went to France. It's been nine years, people change." Thomas was really blunt towards his brother. Not giving a damn about his feelings or what his opinions are on the situation.
"Well I fuckin' haven't, she left because of us Tom. Do you not remember?" John spoke, he voice raised a little.
"Yes I do John but we stoped it, remember that. She killed the man not us."
"She had no choice to, why would it matter to us anyways. Us peaky blinders kill on the daily."
"Just like Arthur had to cut the Lee's up."
John felt that Thomas was being smug with his answers. Like he always is.
Thomas knew what he was going to do to fix the situation between the Lees. But he needed Johns help, that was going to be the difficult part.
"But no he didn't, he said it himself, he started it." John necked his whisky again and slammed the glass down onto the table. Anger building up brick by brick inside of him.
"Yeah he did, and I'll be the one to bloody finish it!"
John didn't reply but stayed sat next to where Arthur was sleeping. He shook his head and buried his eye into his palms. Thomas put out his cigarette and left the pub. John was left sat alone with Arthur sleeping across the chairs right next to him. Arthur was snoring, not knowing any of this had happened.


A few days past by and Ivy started to get used to how Small Heath run. Although the same day she came back a new detective came into town. So Thomas was having his men keep a close eye on her. She wasn't hiding anything. In fact she had nothing to do with the detective, she had never even heard of him.

There was a knock at Ivy's door. She shot up in bed. Her hair all messy and still in her nighty. She untangled herself out of her quilt and rushed over to her desk grabbing her gun, it was hid in her jewelry box. She slowly walked over to the door trying not to be loud. Ivy then opened the door hiding her gun behind her back.
"Morning Ivy, may I come in?" Thomas asked politely, he had a strange smile plastered on his face. He looked her up and down. He hadn't expected her to be practically half asleep.
Ivy opened the door fully letting him in, straight after she shut the door behind him. She placed her gun back into her jewelry box. That then caught Thomas's attention.

"Expecting trouble are ya'?" Tommy walked over by the window looking out. He seemed to be looking at someone.
"No?" Ivy pulled her nightgown from the end of her bed. She wrapped it around herself, wanting to be covered.
"May I smoke?" Thomas asked. His eyes now glued to the window.
"Of course you bloody can," "Now how may I help you, Tom?" Ivy added taking a seat on her bed.
It was a one room apartment with a tiny bathroom. She used her bed as a seating place.
"I've asked your mother for a truce," Thomas announced. He pulled a cigarette from his pocket, as he put it into his mouth he then finally looked away from the window. Making eye contact with Ivy.
"Oh yeah and how did that go?" Ivy scoffed.
She didn't think he would be fixing what was supposed to be a 'war' so soon.
"As a sign of good faith we've agreed for one of the Lee sisters to marry a peaky blinder, so there for we'll be civil." He paused for a moment.
"She wants all you Lee sisters to marry before she dies." Tommy explained.
He lit his cigarette and inhaled deeply.
Ivy muttered "Over my dead body!" "Right and who will it be?"
"The wedding is going forward on Saturday." He started to walk closer to the door.
"Which one of my sisters are to marry?" Ivy asked once again, this time more demanding.
"Your mother will decide just like we will decide which peaky blinder marries."
Ivy scoffed.
"That's unfair Thomas, you can't choose who of your little hench men gets married!" She folded her arms as if she was a child not getting her own way. She did this a lot.
"Life's unfair Ivy, so deal with it."
Thomas put out his cigarette and didn't say anything else. He opened the door and lets himself out.


It was Friday the day before the wedding. Ivy had a good feeling it wasn't going to be her to marry, she would've been asked to go 'home' by now.
Ivy that day woke up as usual and went straight to work, walking the streets of Small Heath. Everyday felt and smelt the same. Nothing changed even after the days ticked by.
Ivy set up the Garrison as usual making sure all seats were down and ready to sit on, making sure glasses were cleaned and ready to use. The normal stuff she's done everyday since shes been back.
Grace wasn't there today so it would just be Ivy and Harry.
The day flys by as usual, Ivy sings her heart out while men adore her. She basically lived in an endless loop.

Tom walks in, he was alone. Ivy watched Thomas's every move still while singing but her body not swaying along to the music. A few men turn their backs and ignore Tom but others only sit and still watch Ivy. Thomas started whispering into Harry's ear, Harry didn't say a word back but nodded. It looked as if Harry was going to call Ivy's name but Danny came bursting in through the doors. Everyone that was in the pub went quite. Including Ivy.

He ran into tables tossing them over, causing glasses to fling into the air. A table slammed into Ivy causing her to be fall into a wall. The glasses from the table shattered all over Ivy, leaving cuts on her.
"There gonna get me!" Danny yelled over and over again. He looked terrified.
As this happened Freddie Thorne helped Thomas to restrain Danny.
"One, two, three and down!" They both yelled.
"Breath, Danny, breath!"
"There gonna kill me, There gonna kill me, There Gonna kill me!" Danny sobbed. Sweat sparkled all over his face.
"Danny, you're home! We're all home in England, you're not in France!" Thomas said trying to calm him. "You're not a whizz bang. You're a human being, Danny. Eh?" "You're alright" Thomas repeated until he was calm. Although Thomas was a tough person, he can be soft when it comes to people who he really cares about.
Both Freddie and Tom helped Danny off the floor, he was panting.
"Oh hell. Did I do it again?" Danny panted, his face was filled with embarrassment.
Thomas nodded,
"You did it again Danny."
"I- I'm s- so sorry Mr Shelby," Danny sobbed pulling his hat of his head.
"It's alright, you go home to your wife now, Danny. Try and get all that smoke and mud out you're head. Eh?"
"I'm sorry again Mr Shelby." Danny repeated while leaving the Pub. The doors stayed open behind him.

"Ivy are you alright?" Thomas rushed over to Ivy, she had a few cuts on her face and arms. She was bound to have bruises on her ribs from the force of the table hitting into her.
"Yea- yeah just a few cuts and bruises."
Tom pulled Ivy up off the floor. She pulled any glass of her dress and arms. The glass crunched beneath her feet as she walked over to the bar.
"Mr Shelby, you have to do something about him." Harry said helping pick up the tables and chairs.
"Damn right Harry, you pay the peaky blinders a lot of money for their protection." Freddie scoffed.
"Oh shut up Freddie, it's nothing to do with you!" Ivy spat. She stood next to Thomas and glared at Freddie.
"Give the bill to the peaky blinders. We'll take care of this." "Come on ivy," Tommy added leading her out the door.
But before she left Harry shouted out.
"Oh and Ivy you won't be needed to work here anymore." Before Ivy could reply Thomas pulled her away. She could hear Freddie laughing in the pub.

It was raining outside. They only just stepped foot outside and they were already getting soaked.
"What the fuck, you said this was a permanent job! " Ivy yelled pushing Tom out her way. She then placed a hand on her rib. Thomas didn't say anything back.
"Let's take you to polly, she'll sort you out," Thomas said in a calm voice.
He only wanted to help Ivy.
"No, no. I'm going home!" Ivy shouted trying to walk away.
"Ivy she'll get you cleaned up!" Thomas demanded pulling Ivys arm back.
"I don't want your fuckin' help alright, I can't rely on you for anything. So let me go home!" Ivy sobbed still holding one hand on her rib. Thomas nodded and walked away, Ivy stumbled away to make her way home.
So she 'thought' she was going home.

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