~Chapter seven~

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!TW! !Strong Language and sexual context!


Ivy sat in a chair, which was opposite a mirror from across the room. Her emerald green eyes staring at herself. In her lap lay her diary with a broken pencil resting on the spine of the book. Ivy liked to write and draw a lot to keep her mind busy during the hours she couldn't sleep. John however lay perfectly sound asleep in bed.

Ivy was up in her own head; taking in everything that's dramatically changed over the few weeks. What she did that night, the wedding, the business and also not seeing her siblings. Mainly Esme, John would only let her go if he was with her. But most of his time is spent at the Garrison and the betting shop. Almost as if he hand no time for her, yet they still 'acted' like a married couple. Ivy wanted to talk to him about the wedding because they still haven't had the chance to.

Ivy turned the lamp off that was on the in bedroom. Then slowly slipping her way into bed, being cautious to not wake John up. As Ivy pulled the quilt over herself, John rolled over placing an arm over Ivys waist.

"What's the time luv'?" John asked half asleep. He opened one eye squinting to look at Ivy.
"Five o'clock,"
John groaned and pulled his arm away to rub his eyes.
"Why ya' getting up?" Ivy questioned.
"Business, I've got books to collect. For the races," He groaned sitting up.
"So what? I'm stuck in all day, again?" Ivy snapped rolling over. She glared at the blank wall, not knowing how to feel.
"Don't start this again, I know you may not like it but it's for the better Ivy," John explained.
He pulled the quilt of himself and pushed himself out of bed. Which reveled him in his boxer shorts and a white henley shirt.
"My life was perfectly fine before we got married, ya' know that? I had a job and I didn't stay at home feelin' like a slob." Ivy rushed, letting out a deep breath.
She knew her words may sting but Ivy wanted things to change.
Speak now or forever hold ya' peace.

"Ya' want a job? Fine I'll get Tommy to put you on the books in the betting shop." He snapped back pulling a suit from his wardrobe, he chucked it onto the chair that Ivy was not long ago sat in.
"Your missing the point John," Ivy sat up to look at him.
John huffed rubbing his eyes. He made his way to beside the bed next to where Ivy was. He placed a hand onto the side of her cheek.
"I get ya' don't like this life Ivy, but we have no choice right now. Its me and you against the world ey'?"
Ivy let out a breath and stared into his blue eyes, which were staring right back at her.
"All us Shelbys risk everything for Tommy and we get nothing back. Grace isn't helping either, she's making him go all soft. And that's not him John, ya' know that aswell as I." She explained still not breaking eye contact.
"Forget about Grace and Whatever happened last night, I'll speak to Tommy."
John kept his hand on Ivys cheek, he placed the other onto her thigh.
"No John, he won't listen to ya'. He won't listen to anyone."
"Get some sleep, I'll be back for ten. You'll have a job to wake up to, ey'."
Ivy nodded back and a smile curled on her lips.
"I'd like that."
He kissed her forehead, tucking her into bed.


John was making his was to Polly's, Tommy told him he had to be up bright and early ready to collect the books before that days races start.
"Poll," John called through the frount door, while knocking.
"For christ sake John, you'll wake Finn up." Polly hissed, opening the door.
"Where's Tommy, is he ere'?"
John barged his way through the door and went straight into the kitchen.
"Whatever your brothers done now, it'll ave' to wait."
Polly closed the door to the kitchen, being cautious to not wake Finn.
"I've got Ivy at my neck everyday about bloody Grace-" He explained but Polly cut him off.
"Leave the poor women alone, she's only speaking what she sees,"
The kettle started to steam, so polly grabbed it and popped it onto the table. She placed a flower printed cup in fount of John.
"Tea?" Polly offered.
"Whatever," John replied, waving his hand up.
"Ivy is one clever girl, she knows when someone will betray this family from a mile off."
Polly pored the kettle water into both cups she layed out. She sat down herself, lighting a cigarette.
"Is that all that's bothering you John?" Polly asked. She took a drag of her cigarette.
"Tommy's also got my wife stuck in his business, she- she killed someone last night Poll."
Polly choked on her tea.
"For christ sake," Polly placed a hand to her head
"Leave Tommy to me. If you go at him guns blazing the pair of ya' will be dead."
John nodded as a response. He necked his tea and was out on his way, but before he did so he told Polly,
"Ivy needs work, she hates being stuck in all hours.-" John was cut off by Polly once again.
"I'll speak to Tommy about that too," Polly smiled as she read the frount of a newspaper.

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