16 | Chemtrails Over The Country Club

Start from the beginning

"I'm quite preoccupied tonight actually," I lied, picking at my manicure. My nails were pearlescent white this time. "You know me, Mother. Constantly with a full schedule."

A heavy sigh came from the other side. "Need I remind you who is paying for that house you are in right now? Grow the fuck up and be ready by 7. I'll send you the address-."


She continued as if I hadn't spoken at all. "If you aren't there need I remind you how sought-after brownstones are? Yours would sell quite quickly."

"Still no," I was bored of rejecting her.

And she kept repeating herself. 'Need I remind you' this and 'Need I remind you' that. I needed her to remind me how to buy a gun and put the barrel to my head.

"Text Mira when you get to the address, I'll have someone come get you from the front of the venue."

Click. Silence. Yeah, okay.

It was useless saying no to her, and Mother knew that too. I'd always eventually do what she wanted regardless of how many times I insisted I wouldn't.

I had no backbone when it came to my birth giver.

So maybe I forgot about the dinner with Nicolas. So maybe I went about my day normally; working out, getting shitty coffee from the bodega, rotting in bed until 3, in which I got ready for the premiere, and marinating on the couch some more until 7.

Actually, I lied, I didn't forget. I was just hoping he would show up a few minutes late and I'd be gone by the time he knocked on the door

I was going to claim I forgot and had a "mandatory work meeting" -- whatever the hell that meant -- so that the deal would still continue and I'd have a day off.

Except that wasn't the case. Instead, when I locked my door and turned to descend the stairs, Nicolas was already standing there in his work suit. Tie loosened and dangling around his neck and a takeout bag in hand I recognized to be from Takeda.

They had good sushi.

This all occurred at 6:57, mind you.

"You're going somewhere?" He questioned, though it sounded more like a statement, especially with his nonchalant tone.

I froze, preparing to reach into my bag for the taser I ordered 2 years ago; as if I left my house often.


Clutching my purse handle harder, I stepped slowly down the stairs. I already had a headache, I couldn't deal with him today. "I'm a busy girl in a busy world," I mumbled sarcastically.

My car was only near the end of the block, 3 houses down. It wouldn't take long to get in and ditch him.

Nicolas stepped to the side to let me pass. "Does your definition of 'busy' mean to sit at home for 2 weeks straight and leave for 20 minutes."


"It means being unable to make time for annoying fucks, have a good day."

Maybe Nicolas is stupid or socially inept, even more so than I am, because he only followed me as I walked.

"Where are you going, Simone?" This time more stern than before. He sounded like an upset father.

I side-eyed him as we walked in step down the block. The heels were already hurting my feet and I looked bloated from last night still.

"Movie premiere, Nico. Sorry to disappoint but it's not optional so maybe we can put a pause on this deal," The weather was bipolar in New York, I concluded. I was much too hot in this coat and the gloves were making my hands sweat.

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