But overall, i'm so happy for jungkook. I'd didn't think he was that mature enough to grow a family, he'd always been the goofiest and the most trouble in our friend group.

"And i, the business i had in new york. It was success, Lisa. You should go and visit sometime" IU Said. Me? Go to new york, that would be a dream come true. I have the money, but it's just the time i don't have.

"How about you lis?"
Diana asked.

"Well, i'm still a professor" I smiled, it's not like i hated that job. It can be fun, but it's a little stressing.

"5 Years, as a professor. Damn lis" We all laughed, five years doesn't seem long but it's quite a lot if you can ask me. There are a lot of ups and downs, and especially with the student. I'm not stupid, and i do notice my students having a crush on me.

Which is pretty obvious, but these past few years i've been abiding by the rules. I didn't wanna lose my job, but now i've completely risked it. I'm sure, as long as no one knows. Me and Jennie will be off the hook, is not like we're a thing?.

I mean..

We've done some unquestionable stuff, but we never really had a label. It was just an accident overall, but it still made me feel like a pervert after that dressing room kiss. I'm glad she didn't feel comfortable about it, as long as we're friends. There's no trouble at all really.

"But, i was thinking of starting my own business too" I continued to talk, which got their attention. I have been planning it for awhile really, but i didn't get the time to actually finalize everything.

I didn't wanna tell chaeyoung, because she will always persuade me to do it.

I was hoping if i could make my own studio, for photographing. You know, that type of job. I did find a good place, but yet again. I'm still unsure.

"Well, if you need any help. You got me, and IU. We're the business geniuses" Diana winked, and we all laughed. Continuing our conversation, i really got into it.

An Hour later

"Remeber the time, IU tripped and fell on her face" I snorted and took a sip of my drink. I wasn't as drunk yet, i wasn't planning to drink so much because i wanted to take jennie home safely.

"Oh shut it, little sis" IU said to me, rolling her eyes she was already drunk. She only took like 2 drinks, and she was already so talkative.

It wasn't just her drunk, literally these two idiots are too. All i can do now is agree and talk with them, but honestly they were talking nonsense.

"Lil sis, let's go dance. Come on" IU suddenly annouced as she stood up, leaving the other two idiots on their own and made her way up to me.

Right now?

I wasn't really planning to dance..But i guess i can't say no, IU is scary at times especially when she's drunk she can't hold back the things she say. And she might shout at me for no reason.

I let her drag me downstairs not even telling the others where we're going but they were already occupied with each other. As i was making my way down i tried to look for Jennie. She was no where to be seen, i guess she's enjoying herself is all that matters.

She's probably off enjoying with someone, thinking of that kind of hurts. She's probably already met with Jisoo and Rose.

"Come on lis! you dance! why dancing likee ..like.. a robot!" She said drunkly, since i was awkwardly dancing. There were also alot of people here, so it was pretty crowded to the point i was just face to face with her.

Breaking The Rules | JENLISAМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя