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The sound of aircraft alerts, people screaming and crying 'This isn't a drill!'

The pain of agony in the air, and a shuttle opening, as blades we're already swinging.

"This place isn't where I belong..."

A memory, which I do not wish to tread any longer.

"But it wouldn't be long til I'm off this aircraft."

I reminded myself countless of times, as the pain deepens.

They're needles stick me in every way, I never wish to be.

"Please respect my wishes, my soul doesn't long for this pain anymore."

I'm so sorry it had to come to this, but this aircraft left me no choice but to kill every human that walks within this craft.

Being in a coma doesn't stop me from one wish.

"I'm human, I promise you. Just let me leave, and see the light of day once more..."

The lights flashing, Red the color of their blood that would soon be on my hands.

"She's just a project, she doesn't feel human emotions. Stick her again." A fainted voice spoke.

This opportunity only comes once in a lifetime, illegal actions must be paid for with our blood.

"Shit, why are the emergency lights on now-" before the fainted voice could speak once more, all you could hear was blood spilling to the floor.

It was my time... to become someone, a person... And atone for my sins.

The robots unleashed from every wire that was hooked to themselves, attacking every single piece of equipment, only to make this ship crash... with me in it.

I wish this was all, A nightmare.

"But this will haunt me for the rest of my life."

I will go down with this aircraft, and remember nothing more...

"This memory of mine will be renewed, starting fresh, and clean. A killing machine isn't the life I was longing for but..."

I still control my Desires in this life.

"Shall a new course enter my beginning."

-•𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝙶𝚑𝚘𝚜𝚝𝚕𝚢 𝙳𝚎𝚜𝚒𝚛𝚎𝚜•-|| Yandere!Jing Yuan X Fem!Reader.Where stories live. Discover now