"You're such a prick sometimes." Marlene rolled her eyes, "How much were those, Char? I'm going to buy out the rest of the stadium and all you'll be able to hear is me singing along to each of your favorite songs." She jabbed a finger Sirius's way and James burst into laughter, face falling against the table as Lily bit back a giggle.

"I think I'd go in on that with you, Marls. Just to see his face." Remus grinned, taking a final sip from his goblet.

"Alright, you're all exhausting. I'm heading up." Charlotte pushed her near empty plate towards the center of the table where it vanished from sight and swung her leg over the bench.

"Blondie!" Sirius whined, stuffing the tickets into the pocket of his robes. "It's early!"

"Well some of us didn't get a two hour long nap on the train." She shrugged.

"No one was stopping you!"

"I actually seem to recall someone using me as a personal travel pillow, so if you'll excuse me... You owe me some sleep."

"Well, I'll be happy to pay that back anytime, love." The edge of his lip curved as he winked and she shook her head, stepping back from the table.

"I'll see you upstairs." She offered the group a wave, turning towards the doorway before she heard the table creak, Remus hurrying down the aisle and catching her at once.

"I'll walk you." He mumbled, his eyes latched to hers as if waiting for her to refuse. To send him away.

"You don't have to. Finish your dinner." She tried to keep her voice soft, though she truly did wish he would stay behind. Let her have a few minutes to herself.

"I did. I'm fine." His words were rushed, his eyes dropping to his bag as he fished around quickly, steps slowing as they reached the landing of the second staircase. "I got you something."

Her brain had stopped. She was sure. There was nothing happening up there as she turned to see him pull a small brown box from the bag over his shoulder.

"What?" She muttered, hardly processing her words. "Remus, you..."

"Please. Come on, it's the absolute bare minimum of what you deserve, I..." He shook his head, the words never restarting as he finally forced the box into her hands. "Would have owled it... I should have owled it, for Christmas."

Charlotte pressed her lips together, no response had formulated in her brain as she peeled back the lid of the box, her lips parting again in a small smile. The scarlet and gold scarf was certainly not hers, assuming hers was still in one piece somewhere out on the grounds, frozen and muddy. This one was brand new.

"I didn't know if you'd gotten a new one yet... you know, after the idiot's... well, after you lost yours." Her head was already shaking.

"No, I... I didn't get one yet." She felt as though she was stumbling over every word, "Thanks Remus... honestly, you didn't have to... I didn't get you-"

"Don't." He cut her off, his eyes serious as he looked down at her. "You don't owe me anything. Okay?"

She took a deep breath as she nodded slowly, tucking the scarf back into it's box and shutting the lid as an excuse to not have to meet his eyes anymore.

"Thank you, Charlotte." His lips were pulled into a strange smile, before he took a step back from her. "Sleep well." He started down the stairs before she could reply. Before she could ask what he was thanking her for.

School had started up again as if there had been no break, no two weeks of holiday bliss. And while Charlotte had spent the entire two weeks, the entire train ride back reminding herself that this term would be different, she was already feeling overwhelmed, only three days in.

written in the stars | sirius black | remus lupinWhere stories live. Discover now