Beginne am Anfang

"Please don't say that Isa, we have to do a lot of things together, I love you Isabella you have no idea" I sniffed.

"I love you too Bella" She hugged me once again this time tightly then before.

After some time we broke the hug and we sat in her bed, she was laying against the bedpost and I was beside her.

"How did you find out?" I ask.

"A couple months ago, we were celebrating my birthday in Hawaii and I fainted, mom and dad took me to the hospital and the doctor told us that the reason I fainted was because I was dehydrated, so we didn't make a big deal about it.

Then I started to get really sick, I would cough blood, have really difficulty to breathe, I was feeling tired all the time, so that's when mom and dad lost it. They took me to the best doctors of the world and they diagnosed me with lung cancer stage 1, It can be reverted but I don't know if I can.

I'm tired all the time, I'm weak, I don't know if I can fight with it" She said with trembling hands.

"I'm so sorry Isa, I promise I won't let you alone in this, I'll be with you in every single moment but please don't loose faith, fight with it, please don't let it win" I took her hand in mine, intertwining it.

"It's hard" She sobs and I feel like someone is squeezing my heart out, I can't see my sister like this.

"Shh it's okay, come here" She place her head on my lap as she cried.

I caressed her hair soothingly.

I'm sitting in my office doing paperwork and solving few problems, since my father left me in charge I've been drowning in work

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I'm sitting in my office doing paperwork and solving few problems, since my father left me in charge I've been drowning in work.

Being king it's not an easy thing, now I understand, I used to think that being king was only having the title but no!

It's much more than that and now I'm experiencing it.

In a few year I'll be the king so I might get use to everything. My dad left me in charge just because he knew that he needed to support my mom in everything, you know with Adriana's situation and all.

One thing I didn't mention was my mom's heart problems, she once got shot in the chest and gladly survived, that's another reason why my dad is so overprotective towards her.

It's not the first time dad and mom travel, in fact they do it all the time and he always take care of everything while having vacation but this time is different.

Adriana is one of the most important persons in his life along with my mother and us, of course, but he loves her more than Dante and me, not that I care, don't get me wrong he loves us but you know father and daughter bond.

Nonetheless, I just want to finish this and go home, I wanna call Bella to come over but maybe I should ask her to go on a date first.

I don't want her to think that I just want to get on her pants, which I would love to do by the way.

I just wanna grab her and fuck the life out of her.

But I can't, not yet at least, first I'm going to take her to few dates, make her comfortable around me, I want her to trust me, I don't want just her body but her soul too.

I want all of her for me, it should be mine and it's going to be mine.

A knock on the door took me out of my daze, I look at the door and allow the person to come in.

"Boss" Marcel, my trusted man greets me.

"Marcel" I acknowledge his presence.

"Boss, we finally found the person responsible for Ms. Adriana's attack. We got the reports few minutes ago" Marcel says.

Fucking finally! We've been waiting for our people to find out who at he fuck hurt Adriana, and finally we got it. Dad's gonna be satisfied.

Adriana is living a hell thanks to this people and I swear I'll give them the worst dead possible.

"Well done Marcel, give me the report and you can leave" I say and he handed me the papers.

He nodded and walked out.

As soon as I opens the file and I saw that fucking name, I dilated dad's number. I place the phone in my ear as I waited for my dad to pick up.

I'm so fucking pissed right now, that fucker dared to do this to my sister. He's gonna pay for it, I'll kill him and his fucking entire family with my own hands.

"Dad" I say when he finally picked up the phone.

"What's going on Bernard?" Dad says, I noticed a little restlessness in his voice.

"Is everything okay?" I ask.

"No, no, lasciami bastardo" I hear Adriana's voice, I furrow my brows. (No, no, leave me bastard).

"No" He says.

"Yeah, I can hear Adriana over the phone" I sigh.

"Yeah, I don't think we're going to get there any sooner" As expected, as per Adriana's behavior I don't think she's well.

"Take as many time as it takes, as long as Adriana is well" I say.

"Why did you called?" He asks.

Yeah, I almost forgot why I called.

"We found out the people that abused Adriana" I finally said.

I heard my dad taking a deep breath, probably trying to calm himself down, but I'm sure when I tell him who is it, he's gonna lose his shit.

"Who?" He asks dangerously.

"Russian mafia mob boss" I say.

"THAT FUCKER" Dad growled angrily.

"How dare he do this to my daughter, I'll fucking kill him" He spat.

"I know dad, but he didn't raped her, he just abused her, the men that raped her was one of his workers, Adriana killed him. He was with her the day that she spaced, she somehow managed to get home" I explained.

"I swear I'll give him the worst dead possible who he do this? He's gonna pay for it, he's gonna pay for every tear that left my daughters eyes mark my words Bernard" He said before he hung up, I know this news broke him, like I said dad loves Adriana more than his life and seeing her like this is breaking him.

Is breaking us, Adriana is the sunshine in our darkness, she's so innocent and naive, she thinks that everyone is good like her.

That's why dad didn't let her face our dark world, he was trying to protect her with his life but this happened and now I don't know if she is going to be the same.

We're afraid that she lost herself in all of this, is our biggest fear.

That fucker, he's going to face our wrath, and no one is going to save him from us.




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