Chapter 3 - Daryl

Start from the beginning

Not too far away Lori and Carol could be heard yelling for their children, so the two youngsters took off in their direction just as Rick, Shane and the others came traipsing through. They followed the woman only to see a walker on the floor ripping a deer to shreds, it wasn't even bothered by their appearance, too focused on the meal in front of it. Riley lowered her gun and looked at the surroundings after noticing the bolt sticking out of the deers side knowing the hunter would be close.

The men begging to beat the walker with the objects in their hands, all of them missing the head causing Dale to quickly decapitate the walker, successfully inhibiting the decomposing corpse from attacking the group further. Everyone looked around with different expressions in their face, some fear, some shock.

Dale was the first to break the silence, "That's the first one we've had up here, they never come this far up the mountain."

Still surveying the woods around the group Riley spoke, "They're running out of food in the city, venturing further out."

Her eyes caught on a figure quickly approaching with even footsteps that were light, barely making noise, meaning it wasn't a walker. As the figure got closer she could make out the features of Daryl Dixon, who stepped on a twig that alerted everyone else of his presence.

Not affected by weapons being pointed at him, he looked down at the deer carcass next to the decapitated corpse of the walker. His breathing sped up and his jaw clenched tightly.

"Son of a bitch! That's my deer! Look at it, all gnawed on by this," he walked over to the walker on the floor and kicked it harshly, "filthy-" kick "disease-bearing -"  kick "motherless poxy bastard!"

The redneck gave the body a final kick before being told to calm down by Dale, causing his anger to flare up again.

"What do you know about it old man? Why don't you take that stupid hat and go back to 'on golden pond'?" He spat, taking a couple steps forward. "I've been tracking this deer for miles. Gonna drag it back up to camp, cook us up some venison. What do you think?" His eyes turned to Riley questioningly and pointed at the deer on the floor. "Do you think we can cut around this chewed up part right here?"

Riley's eyebrows furrowed and she shook her head at the redneck, who was slowly calming down, giving him his answer. Yet Shane decided to speak up.

"I wouldn't risk that." Making Daryl sigh in disappointment as he looked at the deer on the floor, reminding Riley of when a child breaks a toy.

"That's a damn shame." Daryl spoke "I got some squirrel, about a dozen or so. That'll have to do."

As they all started to walk away, the jaws of the walker started biting trying to get Daryl's foot as he walked passed it. Blood dripping out the side of its mouth as well as chewed up flesh from the deer. It's eyes becoming crazed as it could smell Daryl in front of it.

"Come on people, what the hell? It's gotta be the brain. Don't y'all know nothing?" The redneck complained, raising his crossbow and firing a bolt between the walkers eyes killing it instantly.

He then stomped his way back to camp leaving the rest to look at one another nervously before Riley jogged after the man.

"Merle! Merle, get your ugly ass out here!" Daryl yelled for his brother, looking around the place to see where the aggravating redneck was. "I got us some squirrel, let's stew em up!"

"Hey Daryl, wait up!" Riley called, catching up to the man, he instantly stopped in his tracks and waited for the woman to be beside him.

"What?" He questioned, brows furrowed with confusion and slight worry behind his eyes for the conversation that was about to come.

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