Fatima: You as well.

Fatima leaves and goes back to her room. And she gets a call from Zac

Fatima: Hello Mr.Taylor, what can I do for you?

Zac: I was calling to see how you was doing. Haven't heard from you since last night.

Fatima: I'm good. Just stepped back in my room.

Zac: Where are you?

Fatima: Are you my man or something? Because last time I checked, I was a free woman.

Zac: It's nothing like that, I was just making sure that you was good.

Fatima: Yes Zac, I'm good. Are you good?

Zac: I'm definitely good.

Fatima: Well that's good to hear.

Zac: Well I'll let you go then, since it seems as tho I'm bothering you.

Fatima: No don't take it like that, it's just this is my me time. Sometimes I like to get away to just relax and be to myself, it's nothing personal.

Zac: I understand. It's no pressure love.

Fatima: I'll see you when I get back to Atlanta. I got one more stop to make before I make my way back there but, you'll be seeing me.

Fatima: Well if you don't mind, I would like to get back to what I was doing.

Zac: Well be safe and I guess I'll be seeing you.

Fatima: You too. And don't make this a habit either.

Zac: What?

Fatima: You just calling me and it's not business related.

Zac: You don't have to worry.

Fatima: Okay now Zac.

Zac: I guess I'll talk to you later.

Fatima: Have a good day Zac

Zac: You too Fatima.

They hang up

Fatima: What have I gotten myself into?

Fatima calls her best friend

Kiya: Hello!!

Fatima: What you doing?

Kiya: Just sitting here watching Tv. Wyd?

Fatima: Girl nun just sitting here in my hotel room.

Kiya: Hotel room? Why you not out enjoying yourself?

Fatima: I just got back in from having lunch and drinks at the bar.

Kiya: Okay then.

Fatima: I'm surprise you not out.

Kyia: That's because I'm still hungover from last night.

Fatima: Your ass be lit.

Kiya: And do

Fatima: Ima be that way tomorrow if you wanna link up.

Kiya: Ofc I do.

Fatima: Well get ready because we're going out.

Kiya: You staying at your parents?

Fatima: Nah, you know I still have my house there.

Kiya: Oh yea that's right.

Fatima: Yea, but we definitely turning up fasho.

Kiya: You already know it.

Fatima: Well let me get off this phone, Love you best friend.

Kiya: Love you more best friend.

Fatima: See you soon.

Kiya: Okay

They hang up and Fatima calls her mom.

Violet: Hello!

Fatima: Hey momma, wyd.

Violet: Sitting here talking to your father.

Fatima: What y'all got up for the day?

Violet: He got something planned for us but I don't know what it is. What you up too?

Fatima: I'm on vacation

Violet: And you didn't mention this to us.

Fatima: You know that I take a solo trip every month.

Violet: You don't need to be traveling by yourself Ti. We've told you that.

Fatima: Ma please dad already gave me the lecture. I'm good. I wish somebody would try me.

Violet: It's not about you being good. We know you can handle yourself. It's about being careful. How are we supposed to know if something was to happen to you?

Fatima: Well if it makes you feel better, I got Kiya flying in. (She lied)

Violet: Where are your brothers?

Fatima: In Atlanta handling business.

Violet: Did you talk to him?

Fatima: Yes ma'am I did. I put things in order. Dad didn't tell you?

Violet: Well when you finish your vacation. We want to meet this person.

Fatima: Okay, I'll have him fly in and we come to the house.

Violet: Okay baby. Enjoy the rest of your trip and we'll see you soon.

Fatima: Okay momma, love y'all.

Violet: We love you too baby.

They hang up and Fatima took a nap.

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