-Yoriichi x Muzan-

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I don't have much to say here, but i'll say that i'll try to make the parts big. Enjoy.


Nobody POV:

One normal night, Muzan Kibustuji was walking in the forest with anothet Demon Woman, named Tamayo. She looked really sad, as if she was being held by force. As Demon King and Demon Woman walked, Muzan started to since some strong power. He got suspicious of it and wanted to know what it was, but didn't know where to look, it was like the sent was coming from everywhere. Suddenly, when Muzan looked to his left, he saw a Man with Nicirin Sword. He was tall and had this Red kind of hair color. Muzan stared at the Man with confused look on his face. Soon, Demon King realized it was a Demon Slayer. He smirked and chuckled. This would be easy for Muzan. Little did Muzan knew, this Man was Yoriichi Tsugikuni, the strongest Demon Slayer to ever live. Before Muzan could do anything, Yoriichi charged at him and slashed Muzan's hands, as well as his neck. Muzan fell to the ground, now feeling the feeling he has not felt in a thousand years. Fear. Muzan bearly held his head on his neck with his hands, realizing he couldn't regenerate and the wounds hurt really bad.

Y: Run, Demon!

Yoriichi said to Tamayo, letting her have a chance to survive. Tamayo noded as she ran away. Muzan was pissed. How dare Tamayo run away? Muzan regenerated finally and got up, he started to growl as he looked at Yoriichi.

M: You fool Human!!!!

Muzan yelled in rage as he charged at Yoriichi. Demon Slayer charged at Muzan and managed to cut off his hand. Muzan, again was left surprised and scared. Muzan fell down on his knees, feeling his energy slowly expending. Yoriichi got closer to Muzan and grabbed him by his arm, pulling him up. Muzan started to growl and hiss like a cat at Yoriichi, hinting him to let go of him. Yoriichi took the sign but wanted too mess around a little. He smirked and chuckled when he heared Muzan growl and hiss at him.

Y: I'll not kill you, though i'll give you a chance too! I'll let you live with me becouse to stop you from eating anymore Humans! Deal?!..

Muzan was glaring, he looked annoyed and angry that he had to obey, or else he would die. Slowly, Muzan noded. Yoriichi smiled.

Y: Good!~


Nobody POV:

Yoriichi took Muzan to his house. It was night time. Muzan was sitting on Yoriichi's couch in living room. He looked around the house, kinda liking it. Yoriichi was making some food for two of them. Once he was done, he offered the food to Muzan. Muzan looked at the food and smelled it, not even taking the bowl out of Yoriichi's hands.

Y: You want the food or no?!

Yoriichi asked. Muzan looked up at him, slight growl could be heared coming from Demon King.

M: No!! I don't eat Human food! It's disguasting!!

Y: You'll never know if you don't try it, Demon! Plus i hope you remember that you can't eat any Humans!

Muzan's growling became louder when Yoriichi reminded him that he couldn't eat Humans anymore. It angered Muzan a lot and just wanted to tear Demon Slayer apart. He could imagen taking off Yoriichi's limbs and eyes out, eating his brain etc. Yoriichi could since Muzan's anger. He sighed as the placed the bowl on the table and sat down on the couch next to Muzan.

Y: Why don't you just try it?!

M: I can't eat Human food, Human!! I'll just throw it back up!!

Muzan said in loud and angry tone, almost yelling at Yoriichi. Yoriichi stared at Muzan, sipping on the soup he made, not scared of angry Demon King. Muzan was still growling, he was hungry and wanted to eat Humans, but saddly he couldn't. As long as he was under Yoriichi's control, he couldn't. Yoriichi tried patting Muzan on his head, just to see what Raven wound do. He started to hiss at Yoriichi, his claws out. Yoriichi realized that Muzan hated to be touched and it angered him. Demon Slayer sighed and continued to eat his soup. Soon, he was done so he put the bowl in the sink. Bowl that was suppouse to be for Muzan was still on the table. Soon, the sun also started to raise up. Demon King noticed the sun shine in one of the window.

M: Hey... the sun is coming up!

Muzan said in rather scared tone. Yoriichi took the hint and covered the windows all over the house. It was dark now, becouse all the windows were covered. Yoriichi turned on the lights in the house. He also noticed that the oil inside the lamps were runing out so he decided to change them. While Yoriichi was doing that, Muzan lied down on the couch and sighed. He felt bored and hungry. Demon King closed his eyes to take a quick nap.

Yoriichi was done changing the oil. He looked over and saw Muzan lying on his couch and sleeping. "There really is a Demon in my house..."  Yoriichi tought as he smiled, kinda founding Muzan cute. Yoriichi realized what he was thinking about and shook his head, snapping out of it. "Get yourself together, Yoriichi!! That's a Demon who kills and eats people!!"  Yoriichi tought to himself again as he sighed. He wipped off that smile he had on his face and went in his room to get some rest.

As Yoriichi went inside his room to get some rest, Muzan opened his eyes. His plan was working. If Yoriichi decided too take a nap as well, Muzan might be able to run away in the woods and walk in the shadows to not get burned in the sun. Muzan sat up on the couch and then got up. He went closer to Yoriichi's room and looked inside. He saw that Yoriichi was in his bed, asleep. This was it. Muzan had a chance to escape and forever run away from Yoriichi.


Soo, i hope this was long enough. I'll make PT2 tonight or tmr morning. Also, sorry if there are any spelling errors, english is my second language♡

Yoriichi x MuzanNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ