~Forbidden Love~

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A/N: two one shots in one day?! 😮
I freakin' love this trope!!!! 😆

The moon people and the earth people didn't get along, in fact a couple thousand years ago they had an all out war, but it stopped now, but people still talk about it.

The third child of Queen Kikyo and King Silva of the moon kingdom, was named Killua, and he was next in line for the throne. He never understood why his parents chose him, he already had two older brothers to take the throne, but his father saw him as an exception and Killua did not like it one bit. And there were five children, why him of all people?

One day Killua decided to run away from home, to get a taste of what it felt like, and to make his parents mad.

He took a ship and just got away far from the moon as possible. He didn't exactly know where he was going, nor did he care, he just wanted to get away.

Suddenly, a warning sign flashed on his control panel saying the ship was crash landing. The nearest location he could land on was earth "well crap" he mumbled to himself, he was taught earth and its people were bad, so he was a little bit anxious.

Once he had a rough landing, luckily no injuries, his ship told him he landed on an island , Whale Island. He decided to get off the ship and started to look around for anything that may fix it.

As he was walking into the woods, he heard humming. Like someone was humming a tune. He was entranced by it and decided to follow the sound.

As he came to, he saw a young boy by a river, and he looked like he was helping out some type of creature.

"There, there, all done" the boy spoke softly, as he helped the little fox cub up and the cub quickly ran away.

The boy turned his head to the direction of the fox as he was running. Killua looked at this boy in awe. He thought he was the most beautiful thing he's ever seen.

The boy must've felt him staring, because he turned around and was now facing Killua.

Killua stepped back a bit, still flustered, and hid behind a tree, but you can still see his white poofy hair.

"Hey, who are you?" The boy asks out of curiosity, getting up and walking closer to Killua. For a moment the boy from Killua's view suddenly disappears until he felt a tap on his back , and jumped from the sudden impact, and saw the cute boy standing behind him, giggling.

"I umm...I'm sorry I didn't mean-"

"Oh nonsense it's okay. I'm just wondering if you're lost?" The black haired boy interrupted Killua.

Killua rubbed the back of his head, "not necessarily, you see, I crash landed into earth and I need to fix my ship" he said sheepishly as he kicked the dirt from
Underneath him.

The boy put the situation together and gasped "you're from the moon?!" He suddenly yelled. Killua blushed and covered the boy's mouth to stop him from yelling.

"Yes now shut up.." He hissed and the black haired boy removed his hands.

It's like the whole world stopped for a moment as they locked eyes with each other. Killua was getting uncomfortable, a weird uncomfortable feeling.

"Oh I haven't introduced myself yet! I'm Gon" the black haired boy introduced himself as Gon.

"I'm....Killua..." Killua mutters but Gon still heard.

"I think my dad has a tool kit you could use! You can stay at my house whilst we repair your ship" Gon suggests. Killua didn't wanna cause a scene with the other earth people so he gladly excepted and followed Gon to his house.


By those couple weeks with staying at Gon's house, Killua grew more and more fond of the curious boy. He may even believes that he's fallen for him, but he knew that for a while now, he was just scared to admit it, scared he's fallen in love with someone from earth, and if his parents find out he could be executed or worse, the boy could be executed for some type of manipulation.

Turns out Gon was a very good builder, he told Killua that his dad taught him lots of things...before he left him that is. Gon taught Killua many things about his life and earth and Killua thinks earth isn't so bad, there may be bad people everywhere, but hey where is there isn't ?

It was time for Killua to leave, it was the start of a new month but also the time for Killua's departure.

It was night time, and Gon and Killua were in a massive grass field, there was nothing around , just the two of them.

"Have everything ready?" Gon said as Killua hoped into his ship. He did a quick test run with all the controls and buttons and reassured Gon that everything was set.

Before Killua would take off, Gon decided they should spend a little more time together before he leaves, so they sat on the grass and looked up at the sky, that was dotted with millions of stars.

"I'm gonna miss you.." Gon says, as he turned on to his side and looked at Killua.

"Me too but, I can probably come visit you , behind my parents' back" Killua said, Gon giggled and took his hand.

He pulled Killua closer to him. Noses were literally touching and Killua was blushing madly.

"G-Gon..." before Killua could even react, Gon has pulled him into a kiss, a deep passionate loving one and Killua kissed back, this was the moment he's been waiting for since he met Gon.

"I love you, don't ever forget that" Gon said as he booped Killua on the nose.

"I won't ......and that's a promise".

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