Chapter 16 - Brother

Start from the beginning

"Yes... Newt you're my brother... I'm your sister," I croaked feeling his body melt into weeps.

I pulled away and croaked,

"I'm sorry, I wanted to tell you for so long but I couldn't find the right time and if you need time to process this and don't want to talk about it, that's okay, I understand-"

He interrupted me by scooping me up into another hug.

"No," He muttered.


"Do not apologize," He breathed before pulling back once again,

Fat tears rolled down his face,

"You okay?" I asked him. 

He ran his hand down my face and pushed a strand of my blonde hair behind my ear.

"Yeah... you're my sister," He croaked in disbelief.

I laughed.

"Wait. So our parents..."

"Gone. Well, Dad is. Mum... it's very unlikely she survived,"

He nodded solemnly before shaking it off.

"That's okay... I'm sorry you had to go through that all over again... by yourself,"

I opened my mouth to reassure him it was fine, was fine... but no sound came out so I closed it again.


Tears started to block my vision once again.

"Ella, are you okay?

My lip quivered as I took in his question. I hadn't asked myself this question before. I thought I was okay. I thought I was managing the grief just fine by myself. But as I looked at my brother, I realized... I was so wrong.

"No... no I'm not," I sobbed, collapsing to my knees, holding my face in my hands. Newt fell to his knees beside me and held me in his arms. I wept into his chest.

"Talk to me El," He whispered.

"I'm sorry... it's just. I can't take this anymore. Losing so many. Every day thinking I'm going to lose you, or Thomas, or Minho next. Constantly in danger. And it's just... I miss him so much Newt," My sobs turned to quiet weeps as I finished my sentence.

"I know you do El... and I'm sorry I was so selfish to not even once check up on you," 

"I just can't believe Gally's gone... and it's all my fault," I whispered.

I felt Newt's body tense before he pulled my face right up to his.

"Eleanor, none of this is your fault. Nothing. Gally... would have wanted you to do what you did. You saved lives. And you paid the ultimate sacrifice. I don't think I could ever repay you for sacrificing him... so my Tommy could live," His words were a struggle by the end of the sentence, and I kissed him on the cheek.

"I love you Newt," I murmured. He smiled softly.

"I love you too El... and I promise you... you never have to go through any of this alone. Never again. You tell me when you feel like this... okay?"

I grinned softly at his determined face.

"Okay," I whispered back.

We sat there, in each other's arms, in silence. I stared out into the mountain range. Admiring the beauty of nature.

Newt sighed,

"Come on... we better go find the others,"

I nodded before we both stood up. Newt put his arm around my shoulders as we started the walk back to the main part of the camp.

"Um... are we going to tell the others?" I murmured in his ear as our friends came into our line of sight up on the top of a rock formation.

He glanced at me,

"Yeah... I think that's okay," He responded. 

"Wait, Newt..." I stopped walking. 


"Thomas... he already knows," I revealed. 

Newt's smile fades.

"Back in the maze when he injected the venom into himself, and he got his memories back... he remembered. He was like me, he wanted to tell us but just didn't know how,"

My brother's face was unreadable for a few moments before he spoke, 

"It doesn't matter... I'll talk to him later but... we know the truth now. And your back with me... that's all that matters,"

I smiled broadly at him. He took my hand. 

And our friends waved us over to join them above. 

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