Suegiku - Found Again ❤️‍🩹/❤️

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~739 words~ Slight angst in the beginning! Spoilers for Season 5 Episode 11!!

It was right after what was by far one of the worst invasions Yokohama had ever seen. One filled with vampires alike. Of course, it had ended quite easily with Fukuchi getting stabbed by Teruko in the end.

Tetcho had gone back to trying to look for Jōno. His love. He was still extremely worried, trying to find him over the rubbles of the city. He was extremely worried, and it showed even to his companion Kenji, of whom had decided to help Tetchō.

Tetcho was quite obviously tensed as he stopped near a brick building, panting heavily from exhaustion. "JŌNO!!" He yelled out, but to no avail. He looked around.

Kenji stopped beside Tetcho. "I'm sure we'll be able to find him." He smiled kindly to the man in front of him, knowing his worry for his dearest friend. It had been hours since they first started, but there was no use in stopping then.

Tetcho took a couple deep breaths as he looked around. He decided to try again. "JŌNO!! CAN YOU HEAR ME?!?!" Still nothing. Not a single sound from his companion. He felt much more tense from the lack of words he was getting back. He teared up slightly. "Where is he...?" He mumbled to himself.

Tetcho and Kenji both ran past multiple people, of whom government officials were helping. Looking across the croud of faces, not a single one had Jōno's white hair with red tips, or his scowl that could last for days just from annoyance.

The ex-criminal was now worrying Tetcho immensely as he slid to a stop. He panted heavily. Kenji gently placed a hand on Tetcho's back. "I'm sure we'll be able to find him soon," He spoke up as he smiled calmly. "From what you told me, he's very strong and won't give up. Including to come back to you!"

Tetcho was silent for a moment before nodding. "Right..." He stood up straight as he glanced at the crowd. He decided to try once more. "JŌNO!!"

This time, he got a response back. A weak one from nearby to his left. "Shut up... I-I can hear you, you ass..." The voice sounded quiet, like breathing was a struggle.

Tetcho heard the voice, his eyes widening as he sprinted in the direction with Kenji to come across Jōno laying in a pile of rubble, healed just enough to not be bleeding out.

Tetcho smiled a bit as he hugged Jōno tightly, crying silently. He rubbed the crimson man's back

Jōno was more than confused, hearing Tetcho's fast heart beat and muscles. Is he crying? He thought. "Tetcho, we don't have time. The book..." He shook his head. "Fukuchi got aw-!"

"He didn't..." Tetcho spoke softly, as to not annoy his companion. "We won, Jōno... I promise you... The world is safe now..."

Jōno was now shocked to hear that. "So that girl got the vampire away from Fukuchi's control then?" He spoke quickly.

"I told you the world was safe, didn't I?" Tetcho joked as he chuckled softly, slowly letting go of Jōno and seeing the injuries. His eyes widened. "What happened to you while you were missing?"

Jōno sighed softly as he replied, "Fukuchi happened. Obviously I didn't win that fight." He coughed a bit. He then realized a different heartbeat, though one he recognized. "Who's with you?"

"Kenji. He helped me find you." Tetcho gently picked up Jōno. "Let's get you some medical attention." He was a bit happier to see Jōno alive. And a bit was only an understatement.

Kenji smiled brightly seeing the two reunite in this way. He was mainly just excited that Tetcho was happy now and did what he wanted to do.

"Jōno?" Tetcho spoke up after a small while as he began to walk with Jōno in his arms. "Yes?" Jōno already seemed annoyed by the man's voice. "I... Don't go missing again. Alright?" Tetcho asked.

Jōno's relaxation turned to irritation as he spoke up, "I didn't go missing on purpose, you idiot!!" The anger showed just through his voice. He went silent for a moment as he listened to Tetcho's heartbeat. He leaned his head against the male. "... I won't go missing again... Not with you by my side worrying..." Jōno spoke softly as he fully relaxed. "Now quiet down... I'm exhausted..."

Tetcho smiled as he looked down at Jōno. He held him close.

"Of course, my dear Jōno."

739 words!! Wow I don't normally write that much! I've had this idea for a while, but obviously I tried to lengthen it than just the simple "Jōno's alive" thing.

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