Y/n:" you are okay, I'm not good at talking to new people" I say trying to make him feel better.

Johnnie:" can we restart that?"

Y/n "Sure" i look over and smile at him.

He looks so nervous it's kind of cute.

Johnnie:" do you like skating?" He asks

Y/n:" yes!"

Johnnie:" we should skate sometime then"

Y/n:"id be down" I saw smiling at him again.

Y/n:" do you want to play music" I say handing him my phone.

He just shuffles my playlist on Spotify and mayday parade plays.

Johnnie:"mayday parade huh?"

Y/n:" you can change it if you'd like"

Johnnie:" no I like them!" He says scrolling through my playlist

Johnnie:" you actually listen to a lot I do as well"
Y/n:" really?"

Johnnie:" I guess Tara and Jake was right we may have something's in common."

We laugh and chat about random things then we arrive at target.

Y/n:" okay so I really need to buy a bed so should we go to a furniture store after?"

Johnnie: " why not! But let's get you some good stuff here first."

As we go through the store he pushes the shopping cart and I follow behind. I get some black sheets and a blanket set, A set of pillows with the matching cases.

Y/n:" I don't know what all to get"

Johnnie:" do you have a record player? He says smirking

Y/n:" no?"

Johnnie:" let's get one. I'll buy some vinyls for you"

Y/n:" you dont have to!"

Johnnie:" I will" he says with the most sweetest smile.

I pick out a black one with red inside. We walk over to the vinyls. He picks up mcr

Johnnie:" this is a must" he sticks it in the shopping cart.

Y/n:" that's a must as well" I say grabbing the three days of grace self title album.

Johnnie:" I'd say you have some good taste"

Y/n:" duh" I say flirty

Y/n:" let's just get the mattress and head back. We can always come back.

Johnnie:" alright" he says nudging me as he pushes the shopping cart away

Johnnie:" I'll beat you"

Y/:" huh?" I say and Johnnie has already started moving faster. I start speed walking behind him we bother a giggling. We make it to the front to pay.

*after getting the mattress back in the car heading back to the apartment*

I really think restarting our introduction helped. Everything seems alot less awkward. We have been gone for about 3 hours Tara and Jake are probably done there wasn't that much. It didn't even feel like 3 hours I enjoys my time I spent with Johnnie.

Johnnie:" so"

Y/n:" so what?"

Johnnie:" I had fun" he says looking at me wile he was messing with his hair a bit

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