"We're having a girl," Joe said.

"Joey that's amazing!" Robin said pulling him into another hug.

"This family could use a few more girls," Jim joked.

"I bet you're so excited," Robin said to Chandler.

"We are," Chandler said.

"We'll have to go shopping for clothes soon," Robin said, "If you guys are ready I think dinner should be done."

"Do you need help carrying anything?" Chandler asked.

"Oh no sweetheart, you go sit at the table," Robin said, "The boys can help." Chandler smiled before walking over to the dining room table.

After all the food was on the table everyone started to fill their plates. "This lasagna is delicious," Chandler said.

"Thank you," Robin said, "It's one of Joe's favorites so I thought I'd make it since you guys came all this way."

"It really was no problem," Chandler said, "I'm glad I finally got to meet you guys."

"So Chandler," Jim said, "Tell us about yourself. What do you do?"

"Currently I work as a receptionist at my best friend's hair salon," Chandler said, "But before that, I worked at a law firm as a receptionist...so I guess you could say I'm a pretty good receptionist."

"What made you leave the law firm?" Jim asked.

"I actually got fired after working there for three years," Chandler said.

"That's unfortunate," Robin said.

"Yes. It was very unfortunate," Chandler said.

"So did you go to college?" Robin asked.

"I did," Chandler said, "I went to the University of Cincinnati."

"Chandler actually has a degree in Elementary Education," Joe said.

"Really?" Robin asked, "How come you never went into education?"

"Well it never really was the right time," Chandler said, "I was trying to make it on my own and a teaching salary just doesn't pay a lot."

"I completely understand," Robin said, "If it weren't for Jim I don't think I would have been able to do it."

"Education is a great profession," Jim said.

"It is. I'm hoping to maybe be able to teach one day," Chandler said.

"If you ever get the chance you should," Robin said, "The pay isn't great but it's such a rewarding career."

"So what about your family?" Jim asked, "What do your parents do?"

"Umm they uh actually own their own law firm," Chandler said. She didn't typically talk about her parents but she didn't want to make things awkward.

"Really?" Jim asked, "So you didn't want to go into law?"

"No," Chandler said.

"Do they live in Ohio?" Robin asked.

"Yes. They live in Toledo," Chandler said.

"Pretty far away," Robin said, "Were they excited about the baby?"


"Mom," Joe said sensing Chandler's discomfort, "Are you and Dad coming to the game on the 22nd against Washington?"

"We wouldn't miss it," Jim said.

"You should come!" Robin said looking at Chandler.

"Oh I don't know," Chandler said, "Football has never been my sport. I'd hate to intrude too."

"I'm sure Joe would love to have you at one of his games," Robin smiled.

"You'll be attending a lot of football games over the next several years," Jim said, "When the baby gets here I'm sure Joe will want her at some of the games."

"I'll definitely think about it," Chandler said.

"Well it's getting kind of late," Joe said looking at his watch, "We better get on the road for the 2-hour drive."

"Has it been that long already?" Robin asked.

"I'm afraid it has," Jim said.

"It was nice to meet you both," Chandler said.

"It was so nice to meet you," Robin said hugging the girl.

"We're looking forward to getting to know you better," Jim said, "We'll see you at your game."

"I'll see you then," Joe said.

"We hope to see you there," Robin smiled at Chandler. She followed Joe out of the door and to his car.

"Your parents are really nice," Chandler said.

"I told you that you had nothing to worry about," Joe said as he started the car.

"I'm glad we came to dinner," Chandler said, "And I won't go to the game if you don't want me to. I know it might be weird having me there."

"You should come," Joe said.

"Really? Don't you think that might cause some press?"

"I don't care," Joe shrugged, "I want you to be there."

"Okay," Chandler smiled, "I'll be there.

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